36 | Epiphany

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If he's a serial killer, then what's the worst?
That could happen to a girl who's already hurt?


Watching someone sleep is one thing. They are vulnerable, they have their guard down, and they are at peace. Contently asleep. I often found myself staring at Minho's sleeping face, memorizing how tenseless it was, the way his lips are slightly parted, his chest rises and falls at a normal pace... it was a sight. One of my favorites, I would say to anyone.

But to myself, I will admit this was my favorite sight. In the space of just the two of us, I will admit. To him, I will tell the truth, openly and honestly that watching him in pleasure was my favorite sight.

His brows push together, lips licking, muttering curse words, fingers in my hair, and the beads of sweat that form on his toned chest... a sight it was.

"Ji—Fuck" Minho's head falls back as his grip on my hair tightens, I moan at how the pleasure rolled off his body along with the sweat.

Minho looks back down at me, his chin meeting his chest as he meets my eyes and I notice the small widening they made as his dick hits the back of my throat.

He tugs at my hair, pulling me away. Grabbing my jaw roughly, his thumb gliding across my bottom lip and he groans lowly "Fuck, I love this mouth"

"It's all yours" Minho's jaw clenched at my reply, pulling me up and smashing his lips to mine. No doubt did he taste himself on my tongue as he invaded my mouth without a second thought.

My hand pumping his hard and ready cock, his body shuddering under my touch—muttering out low groans and moans while our teeth clash.

Hyunjin mentioned how he wanted to take one last look at my hands—they were healed now but he mentioned to Chan that he wanted double check. Minho and I excused ourselves to get freshened up first and that was the plan, it really was.

Minho and I haven't been that sexually active since Las Vegas, there were nights we got touchy but our hands roamed but it hardly led to this moreless sex. Said it was because he didn't want to ruin the healing process of my hands but I knew that was bullshit, still, I would nod and go to sleep.

I never mentioned that night I found him in the shower, the blood that pooled down the drain, or the bloodied clothes I threw in the wash the next day—that was no use because when I went back for them they were gone... actually haven't seen them since. I also never brought up the nights I did wake up and he wasn't in the room or the restroom, or the house... I just stopped asking questions.

The warm liquid coated my hands and Minho's orgasmic moan filled my mouth before pulling away. His eyes were heavy as he watched me raise my hand and lick what I had of him.

Minho hissed and grabbed my wrist, stopping me "Don't"

I furrow my brows, "Why?" I smirk, "Can't waste it"

His eyes go to my hand, I knew he wasn't looking at the cum but at the scar. Letting go of my wrist and I continue my actions, my eyes close for a second as I hum.


I open my eyes to see Minho staring, not with the pleasure he previously had on his face. My face drops "What?" I take a step back.

Minho looked down at the sudden space between us, taking note of it and his eyes snapped up to mine again. He smiles softly and steps closer, his right hand cupping my cheek and he shakes his head lightly "Nothing, it's nothing"

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