34 | Seducer

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I was awoken by the sunlight that leaked through the curtains, pouring onto my face. I tried to escape it for the past thirty minutes but failed and figured I needed to wake up anyway.

I lay flat on my back, my eyes staring up at the high ceiling. Minho's room was practically mine now, I slept in here every night. It felt much more cozy than the room they gave me but I knew it was because this bed smelt like him.

It didn't look drastically different from mine, the whole house had this moody feel. It was a large home with a lot of space, it didn't feel empty and maybe it was because it was six guys living here and they were far from minimalist.

My eyes drift closed. I wanted to stay tangled up in these dark grey sheets that filled my scenes with the smell of him.

I open my eyes and raise my left hand in the air, my gaze on the ring that wrapped around my finger. It's been a week since we got back from Vegas and every day I catch myself staring at the ring. A small smile finds my face.

After washing up and putting on some clothes I make my way downstairs where I can hear the other's voices mixed with the smell of breakfast.

I walked into the dining room and the conversations didn't stop like they used to. The guys weren't on edge or watched what they said anymore and I knew it was because they grew more comfortable with Felix and me around.

"That's a lie, I have had a girlfriend before—multiple!" Jeongin bites back. I didn't question it, it was Jeongin.

I sit down beside Minho who looked at me, now noticing my presence. Minho pushed a plate with pancakes to me "Saved you some" I looked at him and tried to suppress my smile but failed.


I watch his hand go under my chair and before I knew it he was scooting me closer to him. I swallow harshly and force myself to think about all the things I wanted him to do to me in this very second.

I just focused on eating but it was hard. So very fucking hard as his arm finds its place behind me and rests on the back of my chair, I could practically feel his body heat as he takes Changbin into a conversation that I could care less about.

"Jisung" My eyes snap to Felix who sat in front of me, "How's your hand?"


"It should be fully healed next week," Hyunjin tells me, sipping his orange juice. I looked down at my hand which was still bandaged. Minho helped clean it and when he did I could see the regret on his face. He didn't want me to go to the event in the first place but still, pushed his worries away to respect my decision—I know he wished he could change it all but it happened and all I ask of him is not to blame himself.

"Good, that is good" Chan speaks up, "I was thinking we start with that training" His eyes go to me and then Felix who took an interest in joining earlier this week but my injury didn't allow us to start right away.

"Can we today?" I ask.

Chan thinks for a moment "We can start with the basics but I think you should fully heal first to do the rest"

"Basics? That contains what exactly?" Felix asks curiously.

My eyes look around the unfamiliar room. So they also had a gym in this place, unsurprising. The house was so big there were still rooms I had yet to see, especially the door with a lock on it. It had a lock, that made me more curious.

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