21 | Cruel World

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The bathtub's full of cherry coke,
There's blood between my knees


I never asked for this.

The harsh touching and the whispers about how I needed to stay quiet. The sweat dripped off their chest and onto my back—adding to the layers of sweat I already had on my body.

The sounds. That's what gets me the most because I knew with time I would no longer remember the feeling but would always remember the sounds that escaped my mouth. The cries for help and the constant grunts surrounded me.

I screamed for him. The person that always promised to protect me, was the one I looked up to. I screamed for help but it felt like nothing came out as nobody stopped and nobody saved me.

"P-Please" My voice was weak as I tried to still get away. It felt like hours but I knew it was only minutes.

I felt a strong grip on my shoulders and I shook my head vigorously, kicking and screaming as I just wanted to die at this moment.

"Get off of me!" I screamed, feeling tears run down my face.

"Jisung" I heard someone call for me but I needed to get away.

"Get off!" I screamed again, squeezing my eyes closed.

"Jisung, it's okay, it's me." My body still shook as the familiar voice surrounded me. "It's Minho"

I was now aware as my eyes slowly opened up to the darkness that surrounded us, the only light coming from the restroom. Just as I left it earlier before bed.

Before bed. I was having a nightmare... again.

I swallowed harshly as I felt his hands on my shoulders, once in a harsh hold but now growing gentle. Looking at me cautiously.

I wiped my face, hoping the tears would go away but they stood. Streaming down my face and Minho pushes my hands away, wiping my tears for me.

"You don't have to talk about it" He spoke gently.

"Why?" I asked, "Was it that easy to figure it out?" My voice was shaky and so was my body as I tried to push the dream back but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried to, that night will never erase from my memory.

Minho sighs lowly, letting his hands drop into the space between us. He was a small distance away from me but close enough for me to make out his face in the dark.

"I don't like to assume when it comes to things like this" He spoke honestly. "And I'm not one to push you to talk about something that you don't want"

Minho was often expressionless. He was a hard guy to read and chose to remain calm in most situations. It was frustrating and sometimes scary. You never knew what he was thinking unless he allowed you to.

His voice was always calm but there was a slight difference in his tone when was mad or even worried. From the sharpness to the small shaky breath, you wouldn't be able to catch those small changes unless you really paid attention.

Right now, his gaze was sharp but his eyes held worry with the way he looked back and forth between both of my eyes. Trying not to make the wrong move or say the wrong things.

I swallow harshly as I look down, picking at the skin around my nails before letting out a deep breath. "Three years ago Felix and I moved here" I start, remembering the day like it was just last week. I felt Minho grab my hand softly and I cleared my throat before I continued. "I-I always wanted to protect him, I tell myself I do what I do for him, so he wouldn't have to experience how cruel the world actually is. I realized he protects me a lot more than I do him"

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