59| A beating was given

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For the next week and a half, Jessica seemed to have turned into a zombie. In college, when the group were together, she'd slap in her earphones and let her mind wander off. She'd catch Eli staring at her a lot of times but she'd just look away, his eyes held so much sincere and desperate pleas that she felt like, if she locked into his gaze long enough, she'd end up giving in.

She wanted to give in, though, she wanted to forget what she had witnessed and put it all behind her but the hurting in her chest was stronger.

"What do you mean Yellow Bone and Eli kissed at Mason's party?!" Nadia questioned.

It was evident that something was up with Eli and Jessica as they no longer went to college together, didn't kiss or hold hands and wouldn't talk much or sit next to each other. They had even started bickering a little. Nadia, Payton and River asked about it but Jessica just told them it was nothing. And Eli told them to ask Jessica.

That went on until today, when Eli didn't go to campus or answered any of the group's calls or messages. Jessica was sick and tired of the interrogations so she told them everything Eli had told her, as well as all that she had seen.

The other 3 students' eyes were bulging out as they sat around a table outside of their next lecture's building.

"So... Eli was cheating..." River concluded. Jessica sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He was not cheating... I guess. He told me that sometime after I had taken a break from campus, Aaliyah asked him to give her a ride and that she tried to kiss him. Then, out of nowhere, she started following you guys around. And then, she kissed him at the party... that's all" Jessica summarised.

Her bored expression masked the complete messed up and hurt feelings she had been experiencing since the night of that party. Even though her friends knew her well, they seemed to not yet realise just how bad this broke Jessica's heart. I don't even think Jessica realised it herself.

"Wait... so, the girl on the phone..." Payton's expression was one of pure horror.

Nadia and River sported similar expressions as they realised that maybe, Aaliyah was the person that had been contacting Jessica

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Nadia and River sported similar expressions as they realised that maybe, Aaliyah was the person that had been contacting Jessica. It was a shock to everyone but Jessica simply couldn't physically show it.

"Shit... maybe it was her..." she said with the straightest expression to ever adorn her face.

"Okay, so here's the plan. We need a gun, a body bag, a shovel and a spot people don't hang around" Payton said, sitting back on her chair and crossing her arms. Her serious expression was eerie.

"Payton, like... just... no" Jessica contorted.

"Ain't no way you're letting that slide, Jess" Nadia was with it too.

Oh my gawd!

"It doesn't really matter now, does it?!" Jessica snapped. She was starting to get irritated but her friends knew that it had just been that time of the month for her, so they weren't fazed. "Just get over it."

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