44| Shattered, scattered

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On Friday, she was feeling much better. Her eyes, nose and throat weren't swollen or stinging anymore and her skin had gone back to normal.

She had let Eli stay with her until then but wanted nothing more than to make him go away now. It wasn't because she didn't want him there, she was just shaken and scared after the whole ordeal. It had gone too far. She didn't want him to go through the same thing, so she decided that it was no longer safe or appropriate for them to be together. Making this decision broke her heart and she was sure Eli would be hurt too but she thought it would be better for him to be emotionally hurt by their break up than to let him be physically harassed.

They were sitting in her living room cuddled up on the couch when Jessica wiggled out of his arms, straightened her back and turned to him.

"You okay, baby?" he asked her, bringing his hand to her face to softly caress it.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you had to witness... that..." she started. He was going to say something but she stopped him. "Let me just get this out of my chest, please. All of this is already a lot to deal with. I don't need you to also... it hurts more to see you stressed out because of me than it does when people bother me..."

Eli was looking at her with a sad expression, his brows knitted together and his eyes trying to focus on Jessica's.

"Babe, listen to me. I-"

"Let's break up..." Jessica cut him off, averting her gaze.

Eli abruptly sat up in his spot, his mouth hung open and his eyes widened.

"No, thanks."

"Eli, come on, getting away from me is the best thing you can do" she explained, getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen.

She felt tears rolling down her face but quickly wiped them. She couldn't look at him because she knew she would backtrack on her decision. She had deeply fallen in love with him and he had been so patient and understanding with her, he had even made her feel better for being who she was and looking the way she did, but it still pained her that he had to witness and deal with her being tormented.

It was too much, it gave her nightmares and kept her up at night lately and this was the only way she could think of stopping it all from happening.

"No way" Eli said. He followed her, grabbed her arm, pulled her into his body and hugged her tightly. "I'm not leaving you."

"I'm sorry..." she chocked out. She pried out of his grip and looked at him. "It's okay... you will be fine, just... go home and rest."

"I will not be fine after you've just told me you want us to break up!" he sternly said. "Don't start pushing me away again, Jessica, stop it."

"I'm only protecting you" she muttered.

"What about you? Who's going to protect you? I promised I would never let anything happen and I know that I failed you this one time but babe... come on, do you not trust me? Have I not shown you how much I want you to be happy... with me?" he choked out.

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