16| New Year's

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Around 3 am, the 6 students luckily got hold of taxis and decided to go to their own houses. How, I have no clue because, where I'm from, I'd have to walk and freeze to death before I could even speak to any taxi operators on the phone.

But then again, this is Wattpad, where any and everything is possible.

So, Nadia, David and Payton got into one car while River, Jessica and Eli got into the other, some of them doing their best to hide the alcohol bottles they nicked from Eli's parents' house.

River had just been dropped off and, if it wasn't for Eli's strong arms holding him up, the boy would have just fell asleep on the streets without giving a fuck about anything.

River complaining to the taxi driver about how dark it was outside:

When Eli got back into the taxi, where Jessica was waiting and giggling at the comedy show in front of River's house, he looked at her and rolled his eyes

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When Eli got back into the taxi, where Jessica was waiting and giggling at the comedy show in front of River's house, he looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"What's funny?" Eli asked, his speech a little slurred.

"Nun'..." Jessica giggled.

The taxi driver didn't move so, instead of saying something back to her, Eli turned to the driver and gave him his address.

"Can you please drop us here?" he asked.

"Sure thing, sir" the driver chirped.

And with that, he drove off towards Eli's house. When they got there, Eli and Jessica hopped out the car, paid the fair and wished the driver a Happy New Year before going inside.

Now, Eli could have just taken Jessica home but he didn't want to leave her drunk ass to fend for herself. He wanted to make sure she drank enough water, bathed and slept in clean clothes.

So, here they were, giggling like fucking crackheads in his living room and taking shots from the Tequila bottle Jessica hid in her clothes. She had taken her coat and heels off and plopped down on the couch.

"Jess, get your ass up and go take a bath" Eli said, standing in front of her with his arms crossed.

"We wish you a hairy Christmas, we wish you a fairy Christmas..." she started singing whatever version of the festive song, getting ready to lay down, when Eli took the bottle from her and set it on the TV stand. He grabbed her arms and pulled her up to her feet, laughing. "Eli, give me a minute!"

"I don't have a minute, let's go. And it's 'Merry Christmas'..." he chuckled and dragged her along with him but she shrugged off his grasp and pouted. "Come on..."

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