Exhibit C - Origin

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Have I told y'all about Jessica? No? Okay.

She was a 21 year old black woman, born and raised just two states over from East Woodlands. Her mother, Raquel, a beautiful black queen was born in the capital city of Portugal and had moved to this country with her parents when she was just 18 months old. Here, she met a young black man named Roy, who was born and raised in Colombia until his 10th birthday. His parents had moved to East Woodlands to get away from gang violence, which was very prominent back home at the time.

The couple met in high school and, soon enough, they noticed that they made each other see the beauty in life. So, as cliché as it was and shoot me if you want, they got together in their senior year of high school and both graduated from Saint-Hall University in the city of Layton, not too far from East Woodlands. Raquel went on to become a paediatrician, similarly to Eli's mother, and Roy decided to follow in his father's footsteps and focus on digital forensics.

3 years post-graduation, they got married. Raquel found out she was 6 weeks pregnant with Jessica on the couple's honeymoon but that didn't stop Roy from rearranging her internal anatomy on that very night.

8 months later, the healthy and loud baby girl was welcomed at Steep Hill Hospital, where she now worked as a phlebotomist.

Jessica was a good kid. In 2 sentences: she was a little shy but, once she got to know you, she opened up. 'Like a box of infinite chocolates with hidden centres to keep you on your toes', as her parents would say.

Baby Jess:

She grew up to become a beautiful young woman with luscious dark-brown curly hair, fluffy cheeks, brown eyes, plump lips and a body many girls desired to have

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She grew up to become a beautiful young woman with luscious dark-brown curly hair, fluffy cheeks, brown eyes, plump lips and a body many girls desired to have. She'd made amazing friends in school, had the best parents she could ask for, was very intelligent and did well in her classes.

She also immediately captivated people with her dimpled smiles, her Spanish and Portuguese lingo and her wild curls. That is why Nadia, Payton, River, David and Ken instantly glued to her when they all first met. The group's simple high school friendship soon became something that resembled a family. Neither of them had any intentions of ever unfriending each other and their bond carried them together wherever they went. That is until they finished high school and Ken's parents moved away. Nonetheless, he still kept in contact with everyone. Especially River.

The only issue with Jessica was her mentality, it had severely declined after her mother passed.

Contrary to common belief, she had grown up surrounded by love, happiness, fun, comfort and support. It's safe to say that all of those positive characteristics of her life simply vanished by the time she'd made it to her 17th birthday.

Losing both her parents, being practically disowned by the rest of her family and suddenly becoming the target of judgement and torment eventually all caught up with her. She constantly wished she didn't have to deal with it anymore.

But then, on a regular trip to the mall with her friends, something happened. Something in her heart sparked up and she started hoping she wouldn't be 'alone' for the rest of her life.

A certain pair of hazel eyes, pink lips and tatted arms was the very reason why she was glad to be who she was and where she was.

It all began with a stare down with him.

And he soon became her strength.

.............................. A/N ...............................
Jess and Nadia not long ago:

Jess and Payton on vacation with the group before college started:

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Jess and Payton on vacation with the group before college started:

Jess and River in high school because, put 2 and 2 together, and you have a headache and 7 broken bones:

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Jess and River in high school because, put 2 and 2 together, and you have a headache and 7 broken bones:

Jess and River in high school because, put 2 and 2 together, and you have a headache and 7 broken bones:

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