Exhibit F - Secrets

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On Sunday, Eli woke up with Jessica almost on top of him. Half of her body was weighing him down, she kind of felt like a comfort blanket, and it felt good to be completely naked, cuddled up and warm with her.

The night before had been one of the best nights he had spent with her. Definitely because of the sex but also because she'd finally taken him back. It didn't mean they wouldn't have any more hardships, obviously, but at least, they'd agreed to do whatever they could to keep what they have.

Again, Eli realised he wanted to spend more than just his 'time' with her. He wanted them to last.

He started running his fingers all over her back, ass cheeks, as well as her face, when she fidgeted a little. Suddenly, she slapped his hand away and, in the process, ended up smacking his face too.

"Ouch... what the fuck..." he frowned.

A sleepy groan then escaped Jessica's very slightly parted lips.

"Shh... sorry" she said, caressing his face.

"Good morning" he whispered, giggling.

"Hmm..." was all the noise she made as she got off of him, stretched and laid her head on his shoulder.

Eli grabbed her chin to tilt her head up and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away. She hid her face in the crook of his neck and hummed an objection.

"Babe..." he pouted.

"No..." she carefully mumbled.

"Seriously?" he chuckled.

There she was with the 'morning breath' thing again. Eli found it cute and didn't care if his own breath stank too, he really just wanted a kiss. So, he laid on his side, rubbed her scalp with one hand and traced her neck with the other.

"So... in all the years that we're going to be together, you're not giving me morning kisses until you brush your teeth?"

"That'd be correct" she groggily said.

"Don't be silly" he tsked and smiled. He grabbed her chin again to tilt it up but she swatted his hand away.

"Eli, no" she whined.

"Come on, babe" he whined back. "Gimme kiss..."

"Hmm..." she was about to turn her face but he didn't let go of her.

"Please..." he begged. He pecked her lips, which she didn't return, and giggled at the face of disgust she presented to him. "Jess..."

"Hm hm..." she just wouldn't kiss him.

"Stop playing" he tickled her a little, making her let out a sleepy laugh. He then tried again, hooking a finger under her chin and pecking her lips. "Babe... just one kiss."

Jessica seemed to have had enough of his antics and carefully sighed. He pecked her lips again and she finally pecked him back. The whole situation was just so domestic that he didn't stop there, he continued to kiss his girlfriend. Her lips started moving along with his and, soon enough, they were slowly making out.

At some point, Jessica couldn't take it anymore and pulled away. She opened her eyes, rubbed her fingers on Eli's lips to clean them up and pouted.

"Eww... sorry" she said.

Eli frowned.

"Why would you kiss me if you're just going to wipe it off? I didn't even get the chance to taste you."

"Taste my overnight aged mouth water?" she deadpanned.

Eli looked at her with an 'over with' expression and started tickling her. They soon made their way to the bathroom, laughing, as Jessica attempted to get away from him.

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