Exhibit G - An unusual POV

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I fucked up.

And I ended up losing her.

It must have all started in high school, when River suggested that we go back to my parents' house one night. We had gone to Cameron's birthday party and, for some reason, it ended early and we weren't done getting shitfaced, so we grabbed some bottles and headed to mines.

Loud music, drinks and even edibles. It was the fucking edibles, man... they got me!

All I remember is hearing River shout 'it's spin the bottle time!' and, just like that, we were all chilling by the fireplace in the living room, giggling and having a good old time. Like we always did when we were together.

How we came up with the rules, I don't know, I just remember it being '1 shot for rejecting a girl, 2 shots for rejecting a boy' and everyone was cool with it.

Nadia and Payton pecked each other for a second... or, more like, tongue-battled for what I can only remember as the whole night. Then, River and Ken kissed. They were going about it like it wasn't their first time, so everyone was a little suspicious.

I smooched Payton and, let me tell you, I hated it.

Jessica had taken a total of 4 shots so far because she swore she'd rather skinny-dip in my pool in the middle of fucking November than kiss River. And on 2 out of her 3 turns so far, the bottle stopped right in front of him. Next, it was me and Ken, who shamelessly took 2 shots. Like, okay bitch, whatever. We were all friends, there was nothing weird about it...

I guess he just wasn't feeling it. Or feeling me. Fuck it.

I cannot tell y'all why I quietly wished I could get a turn with Jessica. It was just something, or everything really, about her that had me on my toes since the day River basically dragged her over to us.

We were in class, wondering why our bald-headed, chipped tooth teacher was taking so long to come in, when River busted through the door. He was holding her hand and smiling as if he had just lost his virginity, Jessica had a shy cute little grin on her face and our teacher then walked right in behind them. All of the boys were eyeing her up and down and some of the girls were looking at her with intimidation splashed all over their faces.

As they should.

I distinctively remember her hair being in its natural state, endless tight curls bouncing around her exquisite face and feminine shoulders. Her shiny and soft brown skin did it for me. I was taken aback, the air was knocked out of my lungs and my heart sped up.

All because of her. And she smelled excellently good too.

"This is Jessica, y'all" River chirped, looking like he was over the moon. And for a good reason. "She's new."

The girl sat down in our circle and shyly smiled at us before waving her manicured hand.

"Hey" she said.

My heart? It almost stopped when her almond brown eyes caught mine.

"Girl..." Payton squealed, blushing a little. "You are absolutely stunning!"

1000% agreed.

"For real! Do you model?" Nadia added.

"No!" Jessica scoffed. "But thanks... I guess..."

I could hear a slight accent in her tone; it was sexy as fuck.

Her shyness was so prominent, it made her look even more unreal. I glanced over at Ken when he nudged my foot and found him staring at me with a quirked brow. Immediately, I blushed because I knew what that look meant. I was gawking. I could hear him saying it, even though he never spoke. His eyes then landed on Jessica and he smiled a little.

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