come what may

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"I've come because you hired me and now simply want to send me away? I mean, I..I brought everything," I recognised the voice immediately. There was simply no way that our paths always cross. So, a photographer, that's what he is.

"Excuse me," I spoke, causing attention to land on me. "Why sending him away?" His eyes met mine. "Taerim," he quietly spoke, taking me off guard. "Hm?" Him knowing my name wasn't in my memory. "Ah, sorry. I was going to be your photographer for today, I know you, since you're the model.. And also, this is our third meeting, right?" He held out his hand. "Oh, uh, yeah." I took it.
"He was an exchange for the one who cancelled," the woman who sent him away, explained. "But the original one is back. He'll be there any minute." He sighed. "Really, please give me a chance. I've been driving for nearly two hours." I scratched my neck, looking around. "I mean, we should start any second. Shouldn't we just take him if the other one takes too long?" I questioned. The woman went through her hair. "I'll take care of it, for start." The guys eyes brightened. "Thank you so much." He turned towards me. "Also, thank you." I gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, weird that we keep meeting," I mentioned. "First the café, then the amusement Park and now here," he remembered. "I didn't think you'd be a photographer," I said. "I've done it for fun, but made it my side job not long ago. This is a huge opportunity for me, I couldn't waste it." I slowly nodded. "If I had known earlier that you were so popular, I would've probably treated you differently." I brought my hands up in denial. "Please, no. I'm not popular either, I'm hoping you'll still treat me the same in the future too", "Well here I'll treat you like a professional, but outside I can treat you... for a meal." I covered my mouth after letting out a huff. "Sorry that was a bad one, I didn't mean it like that." He shyly looked down. "It's okay," I laughed.


I was told to take care of calories during the winter break because another brand was interested. This time, it didn't feel like my usual photoshootings. It felt different. Like someone new would be the one doing it now.. It's been only two days, and yet people started to appreciate me for my honesty. It was like the good was finally on my side. I earned new supporters and lost a few too, but that didn't matter. Now I know that those are real ones who'd accept me for who I was. I was able to inspire people. Some even sent me private messages saying how I encouraged them to start doing make up following my tutorials or how they start to value being a girl, even if they can't afford luxurious brands like everyone else. They said that just like me, they'd work on themselves and, after some time, manage it to become successful no matter who they are. I gave them the motivation I never knew I had myself.

It was a less famous brand, hence why I was supposed to give it a boost of popularity.
I was waiting for him to take pictures, but his eyes were basically getting lost onto me, and it gave me an unknown feeling. I wasn't uncomfortable, but simply irritated.
"Isn't my girlfriend mesmerising?" Minho whispered in his ear from behind, causing him to visibly flinch. I shook my head in disbelief, watching the guy swallow before turning around. "You're here too?" Minho raised his eyebrows. "Of course I'm here. Why are you here?" He returned his attitude. "Because I'm taking photos." Minho tilted his head. "When?" He cleared his throat "now", "To me it looked more like you were busy taking pictures with your eyes instead." Minho getting jealous was so easy to sense, either way it was distracting right now.


"Here," He handed me a water bottle. "I also brought food with me, in case you're hungry. You should eat something," Minho gently held onto my hand, pulling me along to sit.
"Ah maybe when we're out." He shook his head. "No, you should eat to gain energy. I didn't see you eating breakfast this morning."

"Here, open," he held up the food. With a sigh, I opened my mouth. "Mh, it's good, right?" I side eyed him. "What's that?" He fastly blinked. "What's what?" I pressed my lips together, analysing his face. "What are you trying to prove again?" He squinted his eyes. "I simply love you and take care of you. Isn't that normal for a boyfriend?" I smiled sarcastically. "Totally." My hand reached for his wrist in order to guide the food up to my mouth. "Mmh, it's good," I complimented. "But you know," I started. "You'll have to love me and care for me even more when you see how many other guys are after me," I teased. His jaw tensed before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You're so amusing. Do you wanna know how many other girls are after me, then?" I bit the inside of my cheek. "I can imagine, but do you see me give a damn?" I questioned. "Yeah, if I look closely..your eye's twitching," I brushed his arm off me, rolling my eyes ironicly. "Sure."

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