Are you perhaps...

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"Those pictures you uploaded are so pretty," Akari mentioned at the exact time the bell rang. Almost way too on point, like she had been waiting to tell me.
"Oh those, thank you," I smiled. In fact, I never used Instagram before. I follow a very few celebrities, but that's it. For once, I liked those pictures of myself. Maybe more the background of the cherry blossoms; that's why I uploaded. "Who went with you?" She curiously tilted her head. I started to feel uneasy about answering. "Ah it was just Minho." She slowly nodded. "You two seem to get along well." Why was she always getting strange when mentioning him? There is no way she likes him. It had been so obvious that she was nearly judging his whole being.

"I guess," I answered, staying silent right after.
"Let's eat something," she took my hand, pulling me along.

"Should we do something together today?" Akari suggested, while I shoved some food into my mouth.
"Sure, what do you wanna do?" She thought for a moment. "Let's do karaoke and just walk around I guess, there's a lot to do after school." I agreed, "sounds good."
Suddenly hands placed themselves on my shoulders. I flinched at the sudden touch, abruptly turning around. "Do you have to scare me like that?" I heavily breathed in, but he just sat down beside me.
"Hi Akari," he greeted. I turned my head to see her reaction. Just a smile. A weak nod. "What are you doing today?" He repeated since he probably heard us. "Something together," I linked my arm with her. "Without you," I added. "I see, I'm not preferred." He took some of my food, with also my chopsticks. "Get your own food, you always do this," I complained. "So this is what I get back after paying twice?" He raised his eyebrows as I realised. "Sorry, you can eat." He proudly smiled. I'd end up buying him a proper whole meal if it wouldn't already be paid for the entire school year. I earn him that, I guess. Our so called 'date' was all on him and I couldn't even dare to look at the price while he spent his money. I'd assume in his case not even an eye twitched while doing so, which is probably the reason why I can't think of me as someone special he'd do this for. I automatically doubt I'm the first one, even if he said the opposite. I mean something to him? Why? What did I ever do except complain and judge him? It just sounded all so nonsense to me.

Suddenly a tray placed itself in front of his face. "Eat this and let Taerim have her own food." I widened my eyes and turned around to Akari. "It's okay," I whispered to her. "No, at the end you won't have enough energy." Minho started to slow his chewing down. His gaze met with mine. He leaned backwards, almost looking like he deeply regretted his actions.
The moment suddenly turned into an unpleasant one. We just silently continued to eat. "I'm finished," I spoke up, willing to stand up, before Minho placed some of his food onto my empty tray.
"Eat some more," he mumbled. "It's alright," I put it back.

Minho's POV

Taerim left, leaving me basically burn my eyes into Akari. I don't like it when people make me look like the bad one, especially not in front of a person I like.
"What?" She questioned, but I only shook my head. "Do you want me to look up to you or what?" She asked. I tilted my head slightly. "I'm not into you," she added. "Never asked you to be," I responded. "Do you even feel something for her?" I sighed. "Why shouldn't I? Do you think I'm playing?" She shoved the last bits of rice into her mouth, mumbling, "I've heard my things here." I went through my hair, irritated. "And you didn't hear anything wrong. But in fact you don't know what's going on inside my head, do you?" I provocatively questioned. "I don't really, but I know good enough that you don't really mean it serious. So instead of hurting her at the end, just leave it already." I clenched my jaw, tightening my grip around my spoon. "What? You don't like what I'm saying?" What was she trying? I let out a scof. "It's all none of your business. I was there before. Taerim is already mine, you're too late," I told her. "It's not about that. Just wait and see who she'll choose at the end," She crossed her arms. "What's that? Is she a game to you? Are you perhaps... into her?" I questioned as I could spot her hands hiding underneath the table. She huffed, "no, we're starting to become good friends, that's why I don't wanna see her upset at the end, that's all." I squinted my eyes at her. "You take it on the easy shoulder now, but were so invested in saving her from me just one moment ago. Seems like I aimed exactly right into your weak spot." She stood up. "What are you even doing here? Don't make assumptions, you don't know a bit about me," she complained. "I'm staying calm, you were the one who got upset," I shrugged.
"I'm leaving," she said. "Feel free to."
I thought she'd be a great match for Taerim. It made me happy to see her finding someone actually from the same gender. I didn't mean to say that it was wrong of her being friends with boys, but I can tell that a girl friend brings out so much more out in her..especially because she'd probably understand her a lot better.
But seeing her now, she looks like she's one of a kind: I-know-everything-better-than-you.

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