Part 6

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"Why don't you come with me." Deon whined.





Ratok glared at Deon, which shut him up. "You'll be fine. Bvelpio has quite taken a fancy to you. So just walked in and tell him some son story about why you want the boys with us. Then drop the fact that Tyklyn is a purebred and that he'd be able to work better in a comfortable environment."

Deon crossed his arms "I don't want to do this."

"Than don't, your the one who wanted to get them moved." Ratok said complacency.

"Fine," Deon walked out of the tower and towards the Mansion. Bitching and grumbling to himself on his way there.

He got to the steps and took a deep breath in and out. Then walked in. He hated this place. He hated being near Vassenhilo. But Bvelpio was staying here. So he had too.

"Good Afternoon." The butler greeted him. Deon was taken aback and then remembered that Bvelpio had one brought in.

"I need to speak with Bvelpio." Deon said keeping his voice strong.

The butler bowed, "Let me take you to him." The bulter lead Deon down a hall and up a set of stairs. Deon personally had never been to a different level of this place.

Deon was place in a sitting room. And told to wait. He looked around. It had long soft carpet, with a rock accent wall. The rest of the room panted a soft green colour.

His eyes ventured around the room as he looked. When he noticed something move. Out of the corner emerged a woman. Deon didn't notice when he came in.

She was auburn in colour with lower back length curly hair. She stretched out and then stood walking with a swing in her hip over to Deon.

Deon picked his feet up to tuck under him. He didn't like the look she was giving him.

"So who are you?" Her tone was cool as she cooed in her speech.

Deon shook his head, refusing to answer. He was waiting on Bvelpio and not wanting whatever that was.

"Come on Cutie talk to me,"

"Just go back to your corner and leave me alone"

She came up to his chair and place her hands on either side of him. "Aren't you my toy for the night?"

"No. I'm not so get away from me" he shoved her. Making her back up a fee steps.

Her face twisted into a look he didn't care for, she looked as if he just started a game he didnt want to play.

She lounged at him. Landing on his lap. Her legs straddled his hip. As he brought his hands up to block her. She had some strength behind her, as she pushed herself further onto him. Licking from his neck up behind his ear.

Deon recoiled and threw his head forward into hers. Causing her to cry in pain. Them followed with an elbow to her chest. Knocking the wind from her, he pulled his leg up and kicked her away. She hit the floor with a thud.

"I said get away from me."

"You should listen to him Carma. Be glad it was just the little Brude and his female is still uncontious. Cause even I wouldn't have been able to stop her from killing you for that little stunt just now." Bvelpio said as he walked in from the door.

He followed around the edge of the room and went to the chair. He patted his leg and his injured pet scurried and crawled up and sat down on him.

"So why does Ruma's brude want to speak with me?" He questioned looking at Deon.

Deon took a minute to collect himself. "I was hoping for you to help me convince Vassenhilo in releasing the two males in the holding cells to mine and Ratok's care. To place them under a sort of house arrest in the tower."

Bvelpio's head tilted. "Why would we do that?"

Deon gulped "They are Ruma's sons. We want them near us. They'd also do better with us."

"Isn't one, a traitor that caused the attack that took Ruma's life and the life of one of my pets?"

Deon twitched. "He is. But I have knowledge on him that makes him more valuable with us than in the cell,"

Bvelpio looked interested as he leaned forward a bit. "What perhaps is that information little one?"

Deon didn't like the pet name but he wasn't about to argue with this lizard over it. "He is a Rindosa." He saw Bvelpio light up, "In fact he is Ruma's son with another Rindosa. Not a half bred like Kaylo the other one in the cell."

"A purebred? I thought Ruma was the last,"

Deon nodded. "As did we. Until we found out why he did what he did. He was trying to aid Ruma. Or that's what he thought he was doing. As you know Rindosa do better with their kin, and me and Ratok are Ruma's males."

Bvelpio nodded. "Yes, and if Vassenhilo can get her fixed back up, she'll be joining you two again. Yes. He could make more pets. A half bred from the father is worth less than it would be from the mother. But it's still a significant amount."

Deon watched as Bvelpio's mind started turning. "I must speak with Vassenhilo at once" he bounced out of his seat.

Deon watched Bvelpio blow past him. Deon followed him out as he wasn't about to get jumped by that girl again. He decided best to go chill with Ratok while they waited for what Bvelpio could get done on their behalf.

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now