Chapter 56

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Deon sat in a minor medical suit, with Tyklyn in a nearby chair as they patched him up. Tyklyn looked tired, but seemed to be forcing himself to stay awake.

"Hey," Deon called, "You should rest."

Tyklyn looked up at him, "I'll rest when we get back to the room. I don't really feel comfortable enough."

"I might be here a while, you can curl up behind me."

Tyklyn shook his head.

Deon scowled. "Tyklyn, get over here." he ordered in a bit more of a stern tone, he watched as Tyklyn's head perked as he heard Deon be more demanding. Like a shift happened he moved over and curled up behind him on the cot.

It wasn't long before Deon heard Tyklyn snoring. Deon took note of how easy that was when he leaned into the Rindosa roles more. Tyklyn was a purebred after all, and Deon was starting to learn how strong those genetics are- especially with how many hybrids were about and how closely to the Rindosa blood they all acted too.

He reached his uninjured arm back and stroked the boy's hair. Watching as his tensed shoulders dropped and relaxed more.

The door clicked open, but Deon was too focus on his thoughts and watching Tyklyn to notice who walked in. The large figure limped up to him, as a large hand came up, gente grabbing his neck and jaw turning his head. He felt lips against his before he could respond there was another hand laced up in his hair.

When they finally pulled back Deon was staring up at Ratok, seeing the bruises and dried blood.

"What happened to you?" he asked bringing his hand up, to brush some of the dirt from Ratok's hair.

Ratok smirked, "A snake with arms, but I don't want to talk about it. What happened to you?"

"Spider Monkey, but I also don't want to talk about it."

Ratok nodded, cupping Deon's cheek and going in for another kiss. Deon accepted this one as well.

"I think this is the first time you've shown me affection outside the bed, what happened?" Deon asked curiously, while he was enjoying the attention, it was new.

"I thought I was going to die this morning." Ratok went in for another kiss, "I survived, and I remembered why I left my home in the first place, so I'm not holding myself back, from you or Ruma, or anything else I want."

Deon smirked. "Good to hear, but no more snogging my face until you go sit down and get tended too."

Ratok rolled his eyes, "Your starting to sound like Ruma." he said, backing up to sit down on the other medical cot.

"Well one of us has too." Deon scoffed. "Speaking of her, have you seen her yet?" Deon asked hopefully.

Ratok shook his head, "Your the first I have seen."

Deon nodded watching the doctors come in and start working on Ratok, attaching different med devices to him, and running an iv through his arm. He was wiped down of the blood and dirt on any exposed skin, then brought a new shirt to replace his damaged one.

Eventually they were escorted back to their quarters on this ship, which took longer than Deon wanted, as he was exhausted himself. When they entered there was still no Ruma, Deon and Ratok gave each other a concerned look, but didn't word it out loud.

They all just dropped into the sitting area resting from the days events, it was extremely exhausting.

"Please tell me that we don't have to do that tomorrow." Deon slightly asked, but mostly whined.

Ratok shook his head, as he leaned back to get in a comfortable position. "I don't know, I sure as hell hope not."

As they were finally relaxing the door swung open, and in pranced Kaylo/kylo with a large golden stitched sash, with his hair groomed and he looking as if he spent the day in the spa. He was dropped off by Vassenhilo of all people. Who in his arms held a large first place trophy.

Kylo skittered away jumping into Ratok of all people's lap to get away from Vassenhilo. Ratok groan and huffed. But wrapped his uninjured arm around the small male to make him feel a bit safer until the door was shut and he was able to relax and get off of him.

Tyklyn, Deon, and Ratok all stared at Kylo when they saw his newest outfit.

"Wasn't today great? I got first place in the pageant."

"Oh fuck off" all three who had nearly died yelled throwing the throw pillows of the chairs at him.

Kylo covered his face from the onslaught of attacks. "What did I do?"

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