Chapter forty-three

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The months of journey passed by them quickly and without much issue. The only time Vassenhilo reared his ugly head was to see how Ratok was faring in his recovery. There were several times that Ratok truly needed treatment, causing Ruma to resort back to the mindless feral monster.

In those times she wasn't worrying over Ratok, and wasn't pawing around with Deon. Ruma actually found the time to pull away from her lovers to actually sit with Tyklyn. While mostly silence filled the air, their conversations were long- often reminiscing over bittersweet memories, or catching up on the years spent apart.

It was in her long conversation with Tyklyn did her decision become finalised. No matter what it took, or how dirty her hands had to get- she would never miss another year of any of her family's life- because someone else chose to move them away from her. Her last days of being a willing pet were spent in the depths of deep space in the lowest part of a mothership treated like cargo.

With another two weeks to go, Ruma's was starting to wonder if her heat would come at all. Her plan was to completely abstain from her males, so that there weren't any accidents.

A late night when the doors had already been locked, she sat on the bed Ratok had been using, while she watched him and Deon faux fight with each other. The two started a conversation on how Ratok was looking much more active, and then it turned into if Deon still had the skill to weasel his way out of a headlock.

Ruma leaned back watching the to go from locked on the floor to standing, to on their knees and cycle repeats. As Deon still struggled to find his way out of Ratok's different bodyholds.

As she was watching one particularly questionable position they had themselves in Ruma felt like everything in her body dropped all at the same time. She was never one to recongized the early signs of her heat- mood swings, hungrier, or any other small changes- she was only wise enough to feel the last stage right as her scent changed to attract her males.

The aching limbs as her labido skyrocketed, her feeling a bit warmer like right before a fever hit. She crossed her legs and set up more- ignoring the ever growing pains in her body.

Ratok and Deon were far too much in their own world to pay attention to Ruma's shifting. Unfortunately for them that was going to come to a holt. Ratok was over top of Deon as they were both back on their knees, while Ratok had one of Deon's arms locked in with his head. Ratok sat waiting for Deon's next move when the both of them caught a heavy scent that was nearly an instant turn on.

Both of their heads snatched towards Ruma who was sitting with the bright red flushed across her face.

"Are you in heat?' Ratok asked with a rasped voice- his chest already heavy in panting.

Ruma nodded her head slowly.

"I've smelt it before its never been this-"

"Alluring?" Deon finished the other males sentence.

Ruma moved back on the bed, they had the same look on their faces that most Rindosa males did when a woman was in heat. It was a look she hadn't seen in the years since. Ratok moved in close to her, Ruma yanked herself back.

"Ruma- you know me well enough, I wouldn't do anything to you."

She loosened up then moved forwards, Ratok's face went to her neck as he inhaled deeply. He cupped Ruma's jaw and turned her head and did it again. "It smells different this time." he pulled back away from her. "I have smelt you start to come into heat the past couple days"

Ratok looked over to Deon, "You can smell it?"

Deon nodded,

"Your human?"

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