Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ruma tended to Ratok's unconscious form. Watching his breathing and heart rate closely. She didn't know anything about the experiment or his condition and Vassenhilo hadn't returned.

She hiccuped as she tried to push down her emotions to focus on the situation. Ruma felt a pair of arms wrap under her in a hug. The sensation brought her out as she looked down at who was around her.

Kaylo yipped and nuzzled his face into her side. Ruma

"What are you doing here? If someone caught you, you could be hurt or worse." Ruma dropped down to all fours.

"I know, but brother and your brude have been worried sick about you. When they weren't paying attention i snuck out to find you."

"Child, you are going to age me. I need to get you back before someone realises your here," She looked back at Ratok, not wanting to leave him, but he was asleep and would most like still sleep while she was away.

Ruma turned back around and pushed her son towards the exit making a quick pace to get him back to her tower before anyone noticed him. They were silent as the moved, as moving on all fours was the quickest.

Ruma got Kaylo back without any issues, and they rode up the elevator together. "Are you going to go back for your maeger?"

Ruma nodded, "I really should, I don't want to leave him there alone. WHo knows what Vassenhilo did to him."

Kaylo whimpered.

"He still scares you?"

All he could do was nod.

Ruma sunk a bit more. Her loyalty to Vassenhilo washed around in her head, her sons, her males, her identity all of it was being threatened by him. Though she had been at his side of such a long time.

"I am so- so sorry Kaylo." she said staring at her own reflection in the elevator door.

He titled his head in confusion, "Why are you sorry?"

"I am your mother, I should have always placed you first- and I haven't. I have failed you." she took a deep breath making eye contact with herself before breaking it and turning to meet Kaylo's eyes. Her heart melted a bit, her beautiful boy who she let get thrown into a quad away from her, when he was still too young. "I will fight everything that exist for you, for now on, you, your brother, and any sibling I can find and get ahold of again. I will not allow a single other to fear anything, only fear what I will do to those who dare harm you."

Kaylo blinked. "You don't have to risk yourself."

"I already have, too many times. I will not risk the fragments of heart I have left to someone to something that will see it used for gains." she felt tears stream her face.

Kaylo nuzzled into her neck, "What is your plan?"

Ruma shook her head, "I don't know. First I have to get Deon back in a stable head space, and Ratok up and safe again. I can't do anything of use without my males as my support wall. Until then. I will do what I can for you and Tyklyn, even if it is swallow my pride and be the "perfect pet" for who ever needs me be it Vassenhilo or Bvelpio"

The elevator dinged. Ruma took Kaylo back to her room.

"Kaylo?" Tyklyn and Deon both exclaimed in confusion as they looked over, "When did you leave?"

"He was gone for awhile. He came and found me all the way in the north east wing of the compound."

Deon blinked at Kaylo, then Ruma than over to Tyklyn, "I swear he never moved from his spot."

Ruma shrugged, "It is fine." moved closer to Deon, then remembered his resistance to her touch earlier and moved away again. She desperately needed him, but she needed him to be okay, and waiting through the mental anguish he was going though was going to be part of it. Though it killed her.

Deon looked at Ruma, again his body and mind playing a Jykell and Hyde on him. He needed her on a deeper level than just she was comfort and safe. It was like every ounce of his cells cried for her. Then his mind spun at the thought of even a womans hand hold his, it made him repulsed.

"Boys, can you go to your room? I need to speak with Ruma.:"

Kaylo quickly listened and headed out.

Tyklyn however, "You don't have permission to say boys like I'm your kid. I'm not." his anger flared.

Deon didn't have time to handle that problem, "Fine- Tyklyn get out."

Tyklyn snarled, then got up and left.

Once he was out of the room, and Ruma watched the door shut. "Why can't you too get along for more than three minutes?"

"Actually we had been getting along for the past several hours. Until just now. Tyklyn is really damaged, and hiding alot of it. He said something concerning earlier, I don't think he realises how old he actually is."

"I gathered that from when he told us about not knowing the time. I know it is a common tactic to mess with someone's mind."

"That isn't what I wanted to talk to you about." he took in a shuttered breath.

Ruma could see tears form in his eyes, she hesitated on what to do, he had been adamant on not being touch, but he need comfort and other than holding him, she wasn't sure what other kind he wanted, or liked. Her mind raced back to the time he would yell, curse, run and slam doors on her. Her heart couldn't handle if he started that up again.

"I-" he stopped, his arms jittering, he looked down at them and rumbed his palms together. "I need you, but I am-" he paused again gathering more words, "I'm scared- I'm tired of being that way, but after Vassenhilo, Carma, and the pain from the experiment- I don't know when the next attack will come."

Ruma sat on her knees and scooted as close as she could.

Deon looked at her, he reached his hand out.

Ruma looked at it, than up to him for confirmation. Deon nodded, he didn't want to fear her, he need her.

Ruma grabbed his hand with one of hers. Being gentle and trying to not to rush to much or make to much contact.

They sat for a second. Before Deon stood up, still clenching Ruma's hand. He pulled her quickly up and to him, wrapping his arms tightly around her. Ruma stood there, with her arms out for a moment, then slowly and gentle laid the against Deon's back. She could feel him shuttering, but each time he held tighter.

"I love you." he whispered in her ear. As his body trembled trying to force himself over his fear, at least his fear of her.

Ruma tried to pull away but was locked in place. Until he patted his shoulder to get him to let go. "Please, don't force yourself. I do want you, to hold, and lay with, but I don't want you scared of me. Not because you shoved though something you shouldn't have. I am patient, I have been in your shoes more times than I can count. My only hold out was Ratok and now you."

"I know- I have thought it through, but hold you does make me feel genuly better."

Ruma held his eye contact to make sure he wasn't lying, he wasn't. "Okay, what do you need going forward?"

"For starters, have you found Ratok?"

Ruma nodded, "I have, he isn't in good condition."

"Okay, second- stay near me- I know that's a lot, but right now I don't feel safe mentally or physically alone. I can't be trusted with my own mind."

Ruma nodded, "I can accommodate that for a while, as long as you are okay venturing out with me so I can care and check on Ratok."

"I can do that. Let's go to him, I know you and you want to be with him, and honestly I've been worried about him. Even in a bad state knowing he is alive and seeming him would help calm some of my nerves a bit."

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