Chapter Forty Nine

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"I feel like we are doing nothing, but waiting for the worst to come." Tyklyn said, as he paced around the room. He leaned against the door frame taking in a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. "Can't we do something?"

Ratok shifted forward in his seat, he was still recovering, his stamina was spent. He looked like he was about to drop. "There is nothing we can do except play out the long game."

"Oh right, and wait until my mom is heat again- I forgot that was the brilliant plan we were going with." Tyklyn sneered.

"Tyklyn calm down, your getting aggravated." Deon said, returning to the room.

"Fuck you-"

"-sit down" Ratok roared. Tyklyn sat down next to Kaylo. Ratok's attention was turned back to Deon, "How is she?"

"Asleep, she was completely dazed. I don't know how cognitive Ruma is going to be while we are here, this place is causing her to retreat into herself constantly." Deon sighed. "If this is how she responds to stress, I don't know how well what we want to do will work out?"

Tyklyn looked between them, "Do we even have a plan, besides surviving right now?"

Deon went and sat down by Ratok, leaning against him. "Get Ruma to the top of the trades. Maybe even take over Vassenhilo's spot;"

Tyklyn nodded.

Deon continued, "I know you were against-"

"We would need to start here."

Deon sat up, "So- your not against it?"

Tyklyn shook his head, as he looked over at Kaylo. "I am the last pureblood Brude." he said, "I am never going to find the happiness my father found with my mother. My people aren't humans who can love and lose, and move to the next. We are truly a balance point between beast and civilised creatures. I've been thinking about it- since we left that compound. I can't be righteous, and morals won't keep me alive, or my brother safe." Tyklyn pulled his legs up under him. "The only way to be safe is to control the game. My mother has the public favour, I have the knowledge, we can make this work, but it will be hard and dangerous. We might have to play their cards to win."

Ratok and Deon looked at each other, "Okay, than how do we start?"

Tyklyn thought for a moment, "We need to try and get into the ear of some of the traders that are shady enough to lie and swindle Vassenhilo, but honest or loyal enough to keep their word to us."

"Do you know anyone in mind?" Ratok asked.

"We need to know who Geldetio's trade partners where, they are likely to have already known and worked with my mother, and would be willing to do it again." Tyklyn continued.

"We would then need new allies, someone or someones who haven't worked with either bring in new and fresh blood." Tyklyn lifted his head to look at the two sitting across from him.

"Trades needs to be equal, and many will not go off empty hand promises." Ratok added.

"Maybe find someone who is willing to back financially." Deon asked

Tyklyn shook his head, "No, that would leave trails. We need something we could trade-"

"Ruma handles all of the work for the compound, she could swindle some-" Deon thought outloud.

Tyklyn nodded, "She could, but she couldn't do that all the time or Vassenhilo would notice."

"What is the biggest price item right now?" Ratok asked.

Tyklyn was silent for a moment then sighed. "Me."

"What do you mean you?" Deon asked.

"We were appraised right as we came in, I was worth alot. I know that Vassenhilo wanted to breed me out-"

"That is not on the table." Ratok spoke up.

"But it is for my mother?"

"Your mother is not going-"

"-but she HAS! In fact it was going to happen again because you couldn't keep that badger away from her. I also heard Vassenhilo, he plans on forcing it here. We don't have options and my mother has lost enough already."

"Tyklyn please."

"Don't you two even care?" Tyklyn growled.

"We do, don't accuse us of not."

"How can I not, especially you Ratok, you had my mom's favour the longest, you knew of our people, you learned our language and your let them touch her, you let them hurt her and did nothing." Tyklyn hopped off the bed.

"It wasn't like that- I couldn't have done anything, I wanted too."

"If you wanted to you would have!"

Ratok moved up off the chair, "Don't act like you know everything, you could have also done something, yet you ran from the room anytime they went for her. Acting like it was all my fault, it fucking kill me ever damn day." Ratok tapped his chest.

"What would have I done? You were the biggest, the strongest, you could have taken any number of them. But if I had defended her, you would have kill me just the same- to side with those bastards." Tyklyn was up in Ratok's face.

Kaylo broke between them, shoving his brother away. "STOP." he yelled, it obvious he had a raspy tone from not speaking often. "If anyone here knows what it was like it would be me." he shouted. Getting everyone's attention. He silenced his voice and went back to speaking normally, without words. "Vassenhilo would have forced anything to happen rather you two stood up to it or not. Mom had no choice but to do what he wanted her too. I watched every single one of my full siblings get sold, She was inconsolable for weeks, there is no good in that monster, or in that compound. I was thrown into the quads because he was angry her attention was going more to me than to him. Nothing we do or don't do will mater to that monster, fight each other won't help either. I'd rather burn my hand in fire than to be in the room with him ever again. SO stop, shut up and just figure away out. SO what if we have to sleep around to get ahead at this point I don't care. Tyklyn is right if she had to go through it me and him can handle a few times, at least we are agreeing to it. Mom is sensitive- she would crumble if she saw you three fighting, make up and work it out."

Kaylo left the room after that and quickly went into were Ruma was rest.

The three other males sat in silence for a moment.

Deon snorted, "You know it is pretty bad when the puppy barks"

Tyklyn chuckled, "Its not that funny,"

"Than why are you laughing."

They settled and looked around. Deon looked at Tyklyn. "What is a rough game plan?"

"Get allies, get people looking towards my mom as more than just a pet, get backing/finaces, and then make a decision of escape and having our own empire or overthrowing Vassenhilo."

"We can start doing that, but first we need to survive those pet games Vassenhilo has us in." "Games than freedom." Tyklyn said. Ratok and Deon spoke in unison, "Games than freedom"

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