Chapter 32

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Ruma leaning against a brick wall, her chest pounding. Her hands shook, her body was in a full jitter. Even her vision was going in and out. She couldn't find Ratok, she couldn't hold Deon. Her world was spinning on her, she just wanted it to all come to a stop.

"Ahh, the last Rindosa female, what are you doing out here?" Ruma recognized the voice, she looked up to see Bvlepio standing over her. His arms were crossed behind his back, with one of his other pets standing just behind him.

He was quick to switch out he show pet after losing the last two.

Bvlepio seemed to wait for an answer though she had known him long enough he didn't know her sign.

After a bit of silence he stood up a bit straighter "Perhaps you are wanting to find your Meager?"

Ruma perked up she jumped up onto her feet.

He made a hissie like chuckle, "I see. Has your master not told you where he was keeping your male?"

Ruma squinted and lowly grumbled. Vassenhilo had Ratok, she tilted her head.

"Would you like to follow me to him?" he turned and started to slowly walk away from her. Ruma followed behind him. Bvlepio starting to talk as they walked. "You look better than the last time I saw you."

Ruma nodded.

"That is good. You took out one of my prized line pets."

Ruma snarled to make a point.

"That is understandable, I told her to stay away from your male, I hope she didn't cause too much damage."

Ruma just blinked when he looked back towards her.

"Tell me Ruma, I know that you have a special skill that Vassenhilo has been using to his advanatage. Did you really train your sense of smell to pick up on certain genetic disformatities?"

Ruma nodded.

"Incredible. I knew certain canine species were able to do that but not Rindosas."

Ruma just stood there she figured this was about to go somewhere.

"You also have headed off most of the breeding pairing haven't you?"

Again she nodded.

"I have a true question, none of which needs to go back to Vassenhilo."

Ruma waited, as they arrived at one of the labs.

Bvlepio turned, "Who really should be given the recognition for the science program that Vassenhilo has here? You or him? Surely he does he own deeds to contribute to everything, but you run the inventory, the quadrant maintenance, the research, the data info, you pair off the breeding, you are the one the sets up the experiments he wants and makes sure it keeps going until you find the outcome you were looking for, why in fact it is your own flesh and blood that it used as the money to fund everything we see here. So- tell me again how your just a pet?"

Ruma stopped and procced what Bvlepio said. Nothing he said was wrong, but she never saw herself as the one that caused everything here to happen. Her self identity started to come up into question about what she really was doing here.

"Well, think about it for a while and let me know what you find out. Anyways your male is in here." he opened the door for her and walked away.

Ruma pushed away the thoughts she had and headed inside, quickly following the scent of her Maeger towards the back room. She typed in a code and got access to a hide chamber where she found him.

Ratok didn't move, from the door she could already see he had lost alot of his body fur. He look as if he was rapidly loosing both weight and muscle, his skin was a sickly olive. Ruma moved in close.

There was wires, a breath line, and ivs attached to him. The sounds of different machines ping and beeped as she walked by them. Her hand rested against his chest. Ruma could only stare at a spot on him where his shirt slowly rid up, showing a tiny bit of his side. There was nothing special about this spot, but that it was the only thing she could focus on at the moment.

Her finger ran over it a couple of time as she tried to comprehend everything that was going on. Vassenhilo had cause her Brude pain- now he had her Maeger and he was obviously suffering from whatever Vassenhilo put him through. He also kept her away from them after she had awaken.

Something in that moment broke in her, she could feel it shatter like falling glass.

Her stunned silence came to an end when she felt a formilar presences behind her. "Ah, my precious pet, I wondered who had wandered in here." Ruma didn't acknowledge Vassenhilo. "So you found Ratok, I was hoping you would have waiting a few more days. When he was ready to go back to you. He is going to have a hard recovery, but since we will need to leave for the Gala soon, I figured he could recover on our trip their since it takes us three months to come anywhere close to another society."

She still didn't react.

Vassenhilo put his hand near her, she saw it floating out of the corner of her eye, it wasn't until it move towards her maeger did that broken part of her come to reality. Instinct took over, she had no thoughts other than natural genetics running through her mind.

It was like a flash of lightning at the speed she moved. Her sharpened teeth coming down on his long phalanges. There was a squeal of pain, as three of his long draggind finger went limp, a long peel of skin was left connected behind his body and Ruma's mouth. Bluish silver blood gushed down both Vassenhilo's wound and Ruma's mouth.

Vassenhilo recoiled away from her, looking horrified by what happened. He brought his wounded appendiage up to his chest as his three sets of eyes flashes through more emotions that he had every felt in his life.

"Monster-" he muttered as he quickly back out of the room to rush to go tend his injury. Ruma stood there feeling the adrenaline rush through her, vibrating through her body. It wasn't until she started to cool off did she understand what she just did. A mix of shock and horror now replaced everything. As she turned herself around to look over Ratok, wipping her mouth as the silvered blood now coated her hands.

Bvlelpio' question now rung in her head who was really behind everything. Was she the monster of this nightmare?

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