Part 12

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Deon took Ruma from Ratok, as he walked in front of them, Checking every nook and cranny. He didn't find anything, he tore up the room looking for him or a sign of him putting anything in the room. When Ratok came back out he ushed Deon in.

"Did you find anything?" Deon asked, as he tucked Ruma into bed. Then went over to pull the med bot out. As it buzzed to life, and when over to Ruma, Deon went over to check on Ratok.

Ratok was tense, his muscles shook with the tightness he held them in. Deon was slow to walk around him, the last thing he needed to do was accidently move to quickly and startle him. Deon has never felt Ratok's fist, and never wants too.

"Rats, your lookin really fucking tense there." Deon said now that he was in front of the other.

Ratok looked down at Deon, than shook himself out. "Sorry." his shoulders dropped completely as he turned around to watch the medbot finish up on Ruma. "I forgot he excisted this past year."

Deon nodded, watching as the med bot flashed a red code colour, than attached a different IV bag with a green colour to it to Ruma. He walked over to see what it read, his brow scrunched up as he saw that it was adminitrering a pain medicine for her.

"I forgot about him too," Deon said, standing up and looking back over his shoulder. "I hate violence, but Ratok if you see him, you need to just end him."

Ratok looked up, "Don't you think I know that?"

"I didn't say you didn't I just knew it needed to be said.

The machine dinged when it was done and went back into the wall. Deon patted Ratok, "Go lay down with Ruma, you actually had some decent sleep last night."

"You don't need to mother me," Ratok said, giving Deon's shoulder one of his squeezes, but did head to bed.

Deon however stayed up for a while. He flipped open the pad that he had gotten extremely versed in using. Vassenhilo might have been onto something about Deon looking over Ruma's and Ratok's shoulders all the time, as he learned the passwords easily and by accident.

He flipped open the information files, he clicked on one he hadn't read through yet and started going through it. This had been something he did over the past year to bid his time without Ruma, and to help him self-desensitise from what's going on around him.

Deon pulled up a document that seemed to be locked again, he put in Ratok's password as that was the one he was logged into, to use. It denied him. He then put in Ruma's and it let him through, his eyes quickly scanned through the document.

Upon further research done with the Science Department Of Genius [Redacted], it has come to the understanding of both Parties, Geildeto and the Science Department, that the Hyper-species known as Rindosa, not only have incredible physical adaptation but have shown to be able to naturally produce multiple healing properties that can be safely and in high concentration from their blood and placenta.

It is with this infomation that the scientists from Genius [Redacted] find it highly important that we bring Geildeto's experimentation under the effect of a federally protected project and proceed to fund it for the future of scientific medicine.

Deon sat back with this new infomation, trying to figure out what to do with it. He closed the pad and sat at the table, with his hands crossed. He looked over at Ruma, remembering the look she had when she told him about the day she lost everyone.

If they were under the request to fund by a government, why was her people killed off like they wore. Deon's mind started running with question, after question.

He stood to his feet, and went and changed into clothes that weren't harsh on his skin, and fell into the bed. He needed his brain to shut off, it had been off for months, it could go back to doing just that.

It was late into the night, he didn't know what time it was but it was far later than he should have been up. When he felt something or he thought someone was pawing at his back. He rolled over to see Ruma sleepily tugging at him.

"You sleep cuddling?" he asked not expecting an answer.

She shook her head, "want." she signed, then grabbed at him again.

"No more Ratok for the night?" Deon teased the sleeping girl.

She grumbled and batted at him, again, "Both."

Deon shoved her back up against Ratok and then settled in so she could wrap herself around him. It didn't take long for his breathing to match up with her, his nerves and mind calmed and he was away with them in dreams as quickly as he could count to three. 

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now