Part Twenty-one

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A long night it was for Deon.

He was up all night racked in pain. It felt like the chair senerio all over again. He cried and scream, rotating as his voice would give out on him. His whole body twitched and shook, as he was drenched in a sticky sweat.

Ruma couldn't spend more than three second away from him, before he would in a panic call out for her, begging her to not leave him alone. Even if she was only going away long enough to grab him water, or a wet towel.

Before midnight even hit Deon was left in a manic, disillusioned state. The further into the night he went the more mad he got. Until he was screaming complete nonesense in his pain.

All went silent just before dawn.

He was in a restless sleep now.

Ruma was curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth, crying she felt like she did this to him. It was her fault that he had to go through this. She tossed another cloth into the bin. What started as a empty container was now filled to the brim with clothes that were coated in the blood she spit up through the night as she desperately tried everything she could to ease Deon's pain.

In the end she couldn't do anything. She was helpless against his suffering.

A bit into the morning Vassenhilo walked into the lab. He looked down at Ruma, who was still a trembling mess. He then looked over to the wash bin, he didn't say anything he went over to Deon, checking his vitals.

"I had asked you to return to your room for a reason." he said, while attaching an actual IV bag to Deon this time. Ruma just whimpered.

Vassenhilo walked over to her looking down, she weakly moved her head up, "I don't like seeing you in pain, I do mean that." he leaned down and picked her up. He held her whilst he sat at the labs computer. '

He went to work as he always did.

"Would you like to help me select the breeding pairs?" he asked her, as if nothing had changed and this was still the same routine they had, Ruma nodded, and sat on his lap while typing away at the key pad.

Occasionally looking over to check on Deon.

"He will be out for a while, though when he wakes you should be able to take him back to your room."

Ruma nodded, the feeling of guilt still strong over her. Though she did mindlessly slip back into the work that she had done for so long.

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now