Chapter Forty Five

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Authors note: HI its me again. Begging for comments. I'm gonna be frank with y'all I've been struggling editing book 1. Which is fine and dandy. I'll get it done. In the meantime I've been working on developing  the Rindosa sign langauge. I've been doing alot of Research into ASL and BSL and for those who don't know what those stand for its American Sign Langauge and British Sign Langauge to get like a structure on how no vocal languages are. So if people are interested I may add in so fun "info" chapters about that. But I've got to have more than one person interested.  Sorry I got to be mean to get those interactions. I will also add that I have a bunch of extra features created to add into book one when it is published. 

Ratok watched Ruma's chest rise and lower as she was in a fitful sleep. She had come back in such a fit. Balling her eyes out over what happened. His eyes were narrowed as dark thoughts ran through his mind, his body began to tease up.

"Rats, I need you to relax." Deon said flicking him in the back. Ratok straightened up, and dropped his shoulders a bit.

"Sorry." he grumbled, he sighed as he felt Deon's hand go back to massaging his back. "Thank you."

"You feel like a rock."

Ratok chuckled "I'm sure your quite aware of how rock like I can get."

"Shut up, or I'll leave you in pain."

Ratok growled but kept quiet.

"Your fur is starting to come back." Deon said after a few more minutes of silence. Ratok nodded, not having much to say back to that. "What are we going to do?" Deon finally said.

"I don't know Deon, I told her Vassenhilo was dangerous. He may never actually raise a hand to her, but he is cruel in far worse ways." he grunted as Deon went over a knot near his spine.

Deon stopped and sat down beside Ratok, rubbing his tired hand. Ratok grabbed Deon's hand to return the favour. "Our situation is dark." Deon sighed.

"Don't stress yourself. Your already shaking, and dealing with Ruma's emotions is difficult enough." Ratok grumbled. His eyes flickered back over to Ruma, who was tossing in her sleep now.

"Than what do you want me to do? Pretend that I am not feeling complete doom right now?"

"No, Deon, I just need you to take a deep breath. Focus. We need to take everything at a time. First thing, is to survive this Gala, we can't attempt getting out in this situation we are floating in the middle of space."

"You know what that entails."

"It will be two months before her next heat, these galas only happen once every so many years because of how long travelling takes. But that means they also last about three to four months. The traders are very particular about this gala. We just need to keep ourselves alive and maybe help Ruma convinced Vassenhilo to reconsider."

Deon nodded, "If we can't do that?"

"Than we will try to do something else,"

"If it comes down to have to do what Vassenhilo wants?"

Ratok shrugged, looking up at Ruma. "That would come down to her."

"I don't see her saying no, her sons are endanger. That's what also worries me. That she'll put herself through more pain, and still have something bad happen."

Ratok rubbed his face. "This place is dangerous for everyone. Even us."

"I figured. She finally wants out, do you think he knows, and that is why he is being like this?"

"He easily could. Look, Ruma can't run- we could, she couldn't every living creature in this station right now wants access to her, they have since the first day Geldetio introduced her to the world. She'll be hunted down like another animal." Ratok felt sick thinking about it.

"Ratok, you sound like you have already given up."

"I am trying not to. Though I haven't had much of my old confidence since the night I saw my life had been sold."

"It does take alot out of a person."

"I deserve it."

Deon turned with a raised brow.

Ratok snorted, "Don't look so confused. I was vassenhilo's guard since I was nineteen. I've been helping him for nearly twenty years now. I didn't come from another breeder or trader like the rest of the guards. I left my previous life to come work for someone I knew was doing something wrong. This is just the universe catching up to me, for what I have helped with."

Deon couldn't argue with him, he forgot how much of a blind eye he had turned on what Ratok had done.

"SO, why did you leave your past?" Deon asked.

"To run away from being the family disappointment."

"You a disappointed? No."

"Surprisingly enough, I was. But-" he paused thought, "You know, me and Ruma have been wrapped up in this business a long time. Maybe, the hair brain idea you had would work."

"What Idea?"

"What if she rose to the top? Became on of the traders here?"

"I thought you hated that Idea Ratok?"

"I did. Though I was being emotional about it. We aren't in a position were that can happen, we have only what we can do."

"Than we will tell her when she wakes. We will suffer through whats to come, and maybe just make it out on the other side with minimal damage."

Rathbone. How dare you? We have a status to keep. Do you even care about our family name?

Ratok's eye flickered open, he didn't remember falling asleep. It had been an extremely long time since he had one of those dreams. He sat up and shook off his sleep and stood up looking around.

He was alone in the room, but hear gossiping in the room next store. He walked in and saw Ruma, Deon and the boys sitting in a circle. Tyklyn was laid across Ruma's legs she was sitting there yelling at him to get off her. While Deon and Kaylo was laughing.

"What is happening in here?"

Ruma turned, "Ratok, get this brat off me!"

"I'm offended mom, I thought you wanted me to hug you." he said settling his weight on her.

Ratok laughed, "Sorry my love, that is your son, thus he is your problem." he chuckled from the door.

Ruma gasped and crossed her arms. Acting her best to look offended. Ratok looked around. This was his clan. He'd kill who he needed to for them. It's not like he hasn't done worse for people he doesn't even speak with anymore.

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now