Chapter Fifty Nine

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Deon leaned into Ruma's ear, "I don't know what you did but he looks alot more stable now."

After there tough discussions, Tyklyn and Kaylo spent a little time cuddling up to Ruma then went off to fool around. They could be heard faux fighting in their bedroom, over something stupid again.

Ruma was at the kitchenette making something to eat, she sat the knife in her hand down. "He is still a boy. Like an actual boy, Rindosa's age is very slow, we don't suffer from [-], that was the first thing Geildeto did when making us. With a long lifespan our brains just slowed down in development. So his body is full grown, but his mind is still like a young teenager. He is missing that stability he had with his fathers back in Geildeto's compound."

Deon nodded. "Can I help? Me and him seem to get along well enough." Deon leaned back against the counter taking a sip from the mug he had in his hand.

Ruma looked over to the door that lead to her sons' room, and then back at Deon. "I'm not sure, he is fighting to keep his identity, he is a brude male himself, and he had a hard life, and so now he sees himself being forced to act like a maeger." she stopped and thought for a moment, "Our identity of what we are is extremely important to us- if we feel we are being forced to be what we aren't you get alot of outlashed behaviours."

"How do you know a male is a brude or a maeger? At birth, puberty?"

"Most of the time, at birth, look at you and Ratok, one is generally very large, and the other extremely small. Though that isn't always the case, and for the ones that could go either or, pheromones and personality generally by the time they would start learning their separate skills, brude and maegers aren't just a social aspect they are a genetic one. When genetics are the defining feature, mutations happen."

"So, you could have a brude that's Ratok's size?"

Ruma nodded. "It isn't common, but not unheard of. There has been times where some would have struggles figuring themselves out and Geildeto would step in. He did truly hate seeing his creations upset. My littermate brother was one, he was very small like a brude and his pheromones took a while to kick in, but he always felt more like a meager. Geildeto tested his dna when he was really having issues and sure enough he had the maeger strained. He was just a late bloomer. He and his female went on to have one of the strongest Maegers born to them."

Deon sat his cup down, "I didn't know you had a brother."

"I had several. I mean I was a litter of five, and three of those were male, and my sister. My mother had eight litters over her life."

Deon smirked, "You've never talked about your childhood." he moved closer to her. "Tell me more."

Ruma shook her head, "Not much to tell Deon, I was tested early on by Geildeto, and for most of my childhood I spent with him and not my parents."

"You could still tell me some right?"

Ruma hmmed, "I guess I could. I guess, out of the eight litters my mother had three of them were with her brude, or my father. Two of the others where with her first Maeger, and the last three were with her second."

"What happened to her first?"

"He betrayed her, and went with another female."

"Guess cheating happens in every species."

"They were pretty much social outcasts from that point forward. No Maeger would want him around their females, and no female would want her around their males. Especially since it was rumoured she tried to mark another females's brude, and the one she had was taken forcefully from another."

"And like that, I am interested in this reality TV novella."

Ruma narrowed her eyes at him. And mouthed the haha to him.

"No I am intrigued really. Did anything like that happen with yours?"

Ruma paused, "There was one woman, who tried to take Bryker from me." her faced stoned up for a moment.

"Oh? What happened to her?"

"You saw what I did to Carma, and that was while I was weak and recovering" Ruma picked up a drink.

Deon whipped his head away and chugged the rest of his glass. "I think that's enough said." he waited a few moments. "So, with Tyklyn, what does he need? Like I know you said you didn't know if we could help, but how could we start?"

"Just be a brude, I know you really not one, but-"

"What are you taking bout. Of course I'm a brude- I'm your brude afterall." Deon leaned in and kissed her.

"Don't make me breed you."

"Isn't that the plan?" he said, stopping from kissing her, he took a deep breath- "I think that thing worked" he pressed against her to get a better smell. Ruma could feel his cock harden against her side. "You smell really good."

The door to their bedroom opened as Ratok stood their towel drying his hair. His pupils were dilated, he looked almost like he was salivating. "I can smell you from here. I guess it kicked in."

Ruma nodded, setting down what she was working on. She can come back to the food later, for right now if she got these two over the first wave they might be able to control themselves better. So, she grabbed Deon's hand and lead him to the bedroom with Ratok, who shut the door behind them.

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