Chapter twenty-nine

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A dark figure stood staring at aftermath of the animalkin fight. The winner had already moved on, and the loser's body was removed. So all that was left was a bloody mess.

"I expect better from him." They clicked and turned away. Flipping a hood up over her head.


The elevator opened up. Though when the cameras flickered they didn't see anything come through. So even if the unsuspecting victims were to be watching the monitors they wouldn't be any the wiser.

Bare feet patted down the cold floor, making a soft echo around the walker. Down the hall words filled the empty air.

"Kaylo, stop that." Followed by a bored, pained whine, "Will you just stop being weird." then another growl. "You are weird."

The figured stopped in the hall, tilting their head in to see the two boys, Kaylo was up on the table in the room, and his older brother was arms crossed on the other side of the room. Neither was paying attention.

The figure hummed and moved on. They had in mind a room, but stopped as they saw the door to their left open.

Inside one stood alone.

They moved closer to look in. Pulling the hood down as the grinned.

Deon stood in his room. Giving it a once over clean as it had been setting with dust for a while.

He heard steps at the door. Stopping, he turned around. He saw Carma standing in his doorway and his chest started to gitter again.

"You're clean too? How nice." She said, closing the door behind her. Locking it with a press of a button. "Why so shocked to see me? You normally always have something to say."

Deon stepped back, he knew what was in this room. He wasn't the vest fighter but he had an idea of what to use.

"Have nothing to say to people beneath me," he wondered if Yelling would be of worth it. The boys were next door, but could either of them do anything, and Ruma was out for the count.

Carma grinned "don't be so ecstatic to insult me, Deon, darling you'll be mine soon enough." She started to moved towards him,

"I don't belong to anyone. Especially you." He put the table between himself and her. So he could skirt it, and get closer to his door.

Carma hmmed, "Ironic isn't it. A slave owned by a deranged scientist, says he isn't owned by anyone."

"I meant in the sense your wanting."

"Than, what is that piecemealed ragamuffin to you." She slammed her hands in the table.

Deon continued to try and move towards his door. "You won't be disrespecting her like that, when she gets her hands on you."

"Oh? Let me at her then. I'm sure it'll be an easy win. Then she can watch me take my new toy for a spin." As she said that her hands flipped under the table and flipped it. The table flew across the room.

Slamming into Deon's middle, he and the table went flying back into the wall. Deon hollered in pain.

He was quick to move the table, but Carma was right up behind it. Pouncing on him. He was quick to lock him to the floor. Her fist came up high and went down acrossed his face.

Went it hit, Deon felt something behind flesh strike him. He caught a glimpse as her hand came back up. She had some time of wire wrapped through her fingers.

As the second hit came down. Deon threw his arm up to block. He felt her hit his firearm and the skin broke apart.

Blood rushed down is arm and over his face.

Carma cooed and leaned in to lick at the blood that was against his cheek.

The wire in her hand was quickly used to wrap his arms together. That's when he scream for help. As he knew he was on the losing in of this.

After is third attempt to call for help. Carma kneed his ribs causing the air to leave quickly and cut of his call.

"Can't have anyone ruining our fun." She said, as she sat up, looping the wire tighter around his wrists, it then was attached to something behind him.

"Now. That your in your proper place. Shall we begin the fun you've been denying me?" Her hands ran over his body, as she laid on top of him pressing her breast against him.

Carma held his head as she forced a kiss. Deon thrashed his head about, keeping his lips pressed shut. Even then the feeling of her tongue sliding over his face caused his to convulse in disgust.

Carma's head lifted, as she sneered at him. She grabbed his throat and squeezed tightly. He held out for a moment but then had to gasp to try and breath even though nothing was coming in.

She went back to kissing him, as her hand reached down and grabbed his genitals. She squeezed and rolled them around in her fingers. Deon's hip bucked to try and move her off. It didn't help.

He could feel her hand move up to slip under his waistline.

Her hand was pulled back with the rest of her body. Carma squealed as her hands went up to where her hair was.

Ruma stood behind her yanking her by her hair to pull her off. Ruma had a dark expression on her face, as she forcibly wipped Carma around.

Carma threw fists out, striking Ruma in different areas. Though none of this seemed to phase the pissed of Rindosa. As she took Carma's face and threw it into the edge of the dresser.

Before Carma could stand, Ruma was on her back. She stinker her teeth into the woman's shoulder and neck. She pulled back with a mouth full of blood, Ruma grabbed Carma's face again and slammed it again into the side of the dresser.

From here the two wrestled about Ruma clearly remaining on top. As Deon started to settle down, Ruma was getting started. Tyklyn cane in behind them. He was quick to untie Deon pulling him up.

"You okay?"

"I'll be fine, just some bruising an a cut." He looked up watching the two women fight. "Ru-"

Ruma was being purely malicious in her attacks at this point. Even if she got off of Carma, there was no way for Carma to get up after.

The mixture of Carma's screams of pain, was mixed with the feral sounds of the blood hungry Rindosa.

Carma had skin pulled and ripped from her body. Her face and body swelled from the impacts she took.

When the finally fight in Carma left. Ruma stood over her for a second. Then lounged down. Grabbing her neck with her teeth and began to shake and shake like wolf on a rabbit.

She didn't stop until sticking snap cracked in the room. Ruma stopped backing up covered in the other woman's blood. Her body shook with the adrenaline pumping to it.

She stepped back slowly, going to her Brude.

"Ru," Deon held his arm out. Ruma grabbed the arm seeing the blood on it. Then looked towards Deon. "Ru, I'm alright," she dropped down on his side and helped him up.

Tyklyn silently followed suit to help her move him.

Once he was back where she wanted him. Ruma leaned in holding his head to her. Her body still shaking.

"Ruma." He muffled. As everything started settling in on his mind. Tears streaked down his face but he was to wipe them away.

A couple minutes went by and Ruma came down of her high. She climbed up next to Deon, stroking his hair before collapsing on the bed next to him, with a pool of blood quickly flowing from her mouth and nose

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