Chapter twenty-five

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"What happened to you?" Tyklyn was leaning over Deon as he woke up.

Deon groaned, "Your ugly mug is not what I want to see waking up."

Tyklyn smirked, "That's pretty rude, giving that my mug is from my mother," Tyklyn sat up, "Hear that Kaylo, he thinks we are ugly."

Kaylo looked up from shoving cheese into his mouth. He just gave a thumbs up.

"Wow Kaylo you are so helpful." he shook his head, then went back to Deon. "Mom had to go out, Vassenhilo called for her. Are you going to cry for her again or are you good?"

Deon grabbed the pillow next to him and threw it at Tyklyn. "Go to shit a brick." he said, slowly sitting up, his limbs ached and he felt weak, but it was barible. "How long has she been gone?"

"A couple hours, she was called out just before Dawn."

"Did she say when she was going to head back?"


"What about Ratok has he came back?"

"Back, beside you and absolutely shattered." Tyklyn pointed at the bearkin snoring next to Deon.

He nodded. Rolling out of bed. He stumbled up, Tyklyn moved to grabbed him and pulled him to the table. "Thanks"

"Yeah, well don't need you busting your head open." He went and sat by Kaylo.

"Why was Ruma called?"

"I no longer am allowed that kind if information. So go figure." Tyklyn said, flipping over a book he had.

Deon looked at the back of it. "Can you read that?"

"I can."

Deon nodded. "Just not a language I am formilar with."

"It's common in the Grundge Galaxy. It's called Grunian,"

Deon nodded. "Didn't know that one excisted."

Tyklyn shrugged, "Most people don't have a reason to know. It's a fairly backwater galaxy."

"Well that's rude.",

"Have you been there?"

Deon shook his head.

Tyklyn set his book down "Well then, it's not rude."

Ruma walked into the room. She looked exhausted and pale. She trembled a bit.

Deon turned but Tyklyn was faster. "Stay you almost fell earlier." He pointed at Deon as he went over. "You alright."

Ruma gave a soft grin. "I'm alright." Then glanced over at Deon. "You almost fell?"

"I'm fine Ru. I promise."

Ruma looked up at Tyklyn.

Tyklyn shrugged, "Well, he didn't cry for you when he woke up. That is definitely a plus. Since this was the first time in days."

Deon pulled back. "Days?" He questioned.

All three Rindosa's nodded their head. "It's been almost a week." Tyklyn added. "I don't think I have ever heard a sibling cry for mom as much as you did."

"I didn't mind" Ruma added.

Deon placed his head down. "Oh gods. What happened to me?"

"Vassenhilo told me it was delayed side effects from the experiment he put you through." Ruma crossed the room and sat down with him.

"Of course." He rolled his eyes and looked around. "Hammocks?" He looked at one in of the room.

"Mom" Tyklyn just said. Shrugging.

"Should have figured as much." Deon said finding Ruma's arm and rubbing it. He noticed her look off. He leaned in and whispered., "You okay?"

She softly shook her head.

"Need to talk?" He whispered.

"Bathroom. Not around the boys," she hid her hands from Kaylo and Tyklyn.

Deon nodded. "Your right I do stink. Want to help?"

Kaylo ran away from the table. Tyklyn just shook his head and left to get towards the Hammock. "Gross,"

Ruma helped Deon into the bathroom. "You do stink so we will talk in the shower."

Deon rolled his eyes "of course."

After a little bit and they settled into the water.

"What's wrong?" Reon asked.

"Vassenhilo and Bvlepio, put the boys up into the breeding program."

"Wasn't Kaylo already there?" Deon raised an eye brow.

Ruma sighed, "Yes, but it feels different now. I hate it more than I did before."

Deon grabbed her leg and placed it on. His lap, he massaged it as they talked. "I get it. A little bit at least. What about Tyklyn?"

"He's never been in it before. He could get hurt. They both could, as it isn't just humans that Vassenhilo has in Quadrants."

Deon leaned down and kissed her knee. "You need to tell them one, as surpise will be worse. Ruma they are adults, they aren't kids. I'm sure you can find a way to lessen the pain someway. You throwing a fit generally gets Vassenhilo to listen."

"I did throw a fit. He was listening but Bvelpio was a different story."

"How much do you think you can protect them from while your here? In this compound, under Vassenhilo?"

Ruma was silent for a while. Her head off in her own world. Deon moved her leg to the side. He shuffled foward. Pulling her back to him for a kiss. "I'm sorry your upset Ru. I'm just trying to get you to think rationally."

She slumped wrapping her arms around his neck. He rolled in the tub to have her lay on him. With the heated water lapping against them.

"I just got my babies back." She whimpered.

"I know Ru. I know." He kissed her chin. "But your babies aren't babies."

She sighed again. Pouting for the rest of the bath.

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now