Part Fifteen

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A couple of months had past. Ruma was slowly getting back on track to where she was, still incredibly underweight to where she use to be.

Vassenhilo eventually made his appearance only to check in on Ruma and then leave again. This happened a couple of times over the months. Deon had abruptly retracted back into himself after what took place with Carma.

Though it only took just over a week for his mouth to heal up. Ruma put her foot down about him going out by himself again, until she was up and about more.

"Do you want to go on another walk today Ru?" Deon asked, while he was lounging on Tyklyn's bed. Tyklyn, Deon, Ratok, Kaylo and Ruma were spread across the boy's room. Each nibbling at the different foods that Ruma had ordered, making a picnic like set up for everyone.

"Perhaps" she said, then popped a piece of fruit in her mouth.

Ratok shifted in his seat, "Vassenhilo has put me back to work tonight, so I am going to have to grab some type of sleep in before then."

"Then it might be better just to stay in." Deon said.

"Do you have to leave?" Tyklyn asked. "You come around often enough, just feels like your pulled off and away so quickly."

Ruma frowned, then reached over and cupped Tyklyn's cheek. "No I don't have to leave"

They settled in again for a bit.

"Tyklyn," Ruma waved her hand at him to grab his attention.

"Yes?" He looked up.

"What happened that last night in the Quadrant. I keep thinking back to it."

Tyklyn grimace thinking back, "Like I said survived, but wouldn't have if they hadn't pulled Me from the fire."

"Whose they?"

"The Veiled, they were the ones that found me and healed me up."

Ruma seemed to blank in her stare, then shook her head, "no they can't be. They were the ones that set the fire,"

Tyklyn snorted, "It was Geildeto that did that."

"Why would Geildeto kill us? We were hid prize creation, he was sitting on a underground empire because of our species."

"He was going to get thrown in jail. I don't know his logic but that what happened."

Ruma shook her head, "He save me, he was devastated. They attacked us that night, Vassenhilo and I spent years hiding just to stay alive."

"Why would he save you, and destroy the rest of us." Tyklyn's face scrunched up.

Deon hopped up. "Calm down both." Said standing between the mother and son who were both obviously getting to the point of explosion.

Ruma and Tyklyn both took a step back. Deon turned and grabbed Ruma pulling her into his lap as he sat back down on the bed. "Kaylo your brother," Deon pointed, the blond rolled over and moved up next to his brother. "Thank you."

Deon rubbed Ruma's back, going into circles to keep her calmed down. "How about we just have Tyklyn go over what happened from that night forward. Then Ru you can do the same."

They nodded. Ratok moved around the room while they were speaking coming up behind Ruma and Deon to be there for his girl.

Tyklyn took a deep breath.

"Go when you're ready." Deon said.

Tyklyn nodded than began speaking. "It was a pretty normal night, I was getting back to the hut with my some of my siblings as we had gone out."


*prior to the incident*

"Tyklyn come on. We are gonna leave you behind." A girl called out from a group of Rindosa's that were further up ahead of the path.

Tyklyn picked up his head from the berry bush. Seeing his sibling pack up ahead. The one who called was the eldest, a tall well built female with a dark olive complexion.

"I'm coming." He pulled away and ran up on all fours to greet the group. As he got their he saw her head still on a swivel. "Who you looking for, Rysha?""


Tyklyn looked up, seeing his twin up in the tree. They gave each other the look, Tyklyn shrugged. "Haven't seen him."

Rysha raised a brow at him. "I don't believe that, you two are stuck together like, sugar sap."

Tyklyn just shrugged again.

"Father and Papa won't be happy about that." She grumbled, looking around one more time. "Alright let's head out."

As the pack of kids started to move, the sound of the limbs moving above them grabbed their attention. Haruf dropped down, onto Tyklyn wrapping him up as they rolled together.

"Hey you were supposed to not get me," the smaller of the two twins screamed. As he flipped himself up, onto Haruf's back.

Haruf and Tyklyn looked fairly much the exact same. Bright red hair, freckles coating their body. The distinctive difference was their size.

Tyklyn was small, lean, very agile and flexible. Haruf was nearly twice the size of his brother, he stood several inches taller, and his shoulders were two of Tyklyn standing next to each other. His strength was all in his upper arms as well.

Rysha stood there with her arms crossed. "Let's go." She growled. Catching their attention. The two removed themselves from each other and followed the rest of the siblings pod that was waiting on them.

The journey from where they were at to where they lived wasn't far, but since it had to go through the middle of the Quadrant. Their parents had a rule of staying in groups while travelling. Rysha had always taken it upon herself to be in charge of organizing them moving in a group even though the rules was I. She was rather pushy about everyone staying together.

Their tree wasn't any larger or smaller than the rest. It was just average. They all took turned climbing up the trunk to get to the first level.

The first level, which was their parents, Ruma, Bryker and Orkan's sleeping area, plus the food area. From their Orkan had built different levels using the trees natural lay out to help. Each having the same woven leaf flooring, and attached with the vines that had been prepared in a way that kept them strong.

The siblings just scattered around the other three levels. Sleeping where they saw fit for the night.

This time the ones that gathered anything dumped them into a pile, in the food quarters of the tree hut. Snagging a few bites, then all grabbed a peice of Flatbread that was nearly always available for them and headed off further up the tree.

Tyklyn dumb a satchel full of berries. He looked around seeing his father weaving together a new basket, while his mother fed their youngest sibling while working on the meal for the night.

He climbed up into the tree going towards the top level. He stretched out and laid down waiting to be called for dinner. 

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now