Chapter Fifty One

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Tyklyn heard Deon's back smack with a worrying crack against the hard stone and dried mud wall that they running passed. Tyklyn skidded to a halt and turned around to Deon already scrambling back to his feet and falling in behind Tyklyn.

"Don't stop now." Deon huffed, and Tyklyn started back up, once again the two began running side by side through the fog that was set up.

Tyklyn's eyes scanned the fog, trying to find something hidden in the dense mist. "There, to the left, get to that hole."

Just forty feet or so ahead, was a small hole that cut clean through a wall, the two males rushed up to it. "Go" Deon snapped, to get Tyklyn to crawl through first. Deon's head snapped back in the direction they had just come from, he could see through the grey, the outline of the beast that was chasing them.

It was getting horrifically closer to where they were at. "Tyklyn move quicker!" Deon looked down to see the lower half of Tyklyn shimming through, he waited a moment after seeing his foot disappear to look back at the monster that was now more visible.

To Deon it look like some freak of nature mix between a wild boar and some beetle like bug. It skuddled along on six legs, with a large pointed snout and tusks, it faced them head on with large bulgy eyes with a multi geometral pattern scattered around the edges.

"Deon, do you have a death wish? Come on!" Tyklyn's voice broke Deon's thoughts, and he dropped to the floor and started to crawl quickly on his belly to follow Tyklyn. Deon made it mostly through just in time to pull his legs in to keep the beast from injuring him.

The monster smacked into the wall causing a thick layer of dirt and musk to fall onto their heads.

Tyklyn looked around "It looks like we are in a small cut off alcove, we should be able to rest here for a bit, and think and come up with a plan." Tyklyn quickly started to draw something into the dirt. After Deon spent sometime to take a breath he looked over at what Tyklyn was drawing.

"Is that what I think it is?" Deon asked as he looked at the lines protruding out in all different directions.

Tyklyn nodded, "It is the parts of the maze we have found so far. I did get a little messed up here, and I forgot if there was any additional outshoots, but then again, that was when we ran into that nightmare of a centipede creature." he shuttered and icked a bit.

"That's what disgusted you? Not the beetle pig? Or the inverted skin pterodactyl?"

Tyklyn glared at Deon, "Listen I don't want to talk about- all I have to say is I absolutely hate is centipeds."

Deon dropped on his ass on the other side of the drawing that was now between them. "Would you like to explain that one a bit more?"

"No, I wouldn't, I would like to however make a plan of action, our only objection is to live and get out of the maze. It looks like the maze might be in a circular shape, which would mean we have only shifted out about a fourth-ish of the whole place, we might end up lucky and just navigate to the exit, but I don't think that is going to happen. We might have to strategically explore this place to get out without harm"

Tyklyn looked up and just saw Deon leaning back on his elbows. His head was cocked to the side as he listened to what Tyklyn was saying.

"Is there something you would like to say? Or are you even paying a lick of attention to anything?"

Deon nodded "I was listening, trust me."

"Then what was that look?"

Deon shook his head, "No look, just listening."

"Fuck you, and your stupid face."

Deon chuckled. "Listen, lets just get out of here alive, I am not a planner, soldier, or anything really helpful. I am just go at listening, so whatever you think it best I'll follow and help get it done."

Tyklyn nodded.

"Though I will say we should just rest her for a while, cause my ribs are still on fire,"

Tyklyn nodded yet again. "Agreed."

The two took turns closing their eyes for a couple of minutes each, the hours of running through the maze had them on the edge of collapse.

In between their rests Tyklyn was scratching out his ideas on the dirt floor, mapping and notting where they could and should go.

Deon watched in amusement, chuckling to himself he could definitely tell who his mother was with how equally focus those two got when their brains started turning. Deon findled with a stick he was looking at. "You haven't brought up your father or the other one at all really."

Tyklyn stopped and glanced up. "I suppose I haven't. Though honestly do you really want to hear about my mother's previous lovers."

"Not really, but I would like to hear about your father, cause that's the difference."

"I guess theres a difference, he was quiet but always content. His words were chosen carefully, but they were always caring. He wasn't one to venture far off from the tree hut- when he did it was almost always with mom or Orkan, I know something happened, when mom first choose him as a brude, that made him uneasy leaving by himself which is why he was the one that always inforce the group of two or more rule with us kids."

Deon nodded, "You look like you still miss him alot."

"Never really got to mourn." Tyklyn stopped what he was doing, and sat back against the wall. "Wasn't really allowed to so any emotion really, so it's so weird, my people we are very emotionally inclined." he trailed for a second, "So, I shoved it all down- all of it. Losing my home, my safety, everything I knew, my siblings, my mom, both my dads-" he took a deep breath and stared off. "My twin. Even when i was running around pretending to be Beskra I couldn't really show my emotions in fear of being found out. Less than a year is been as long as I could try and handle old wounds, and I didn't really start doing that until recent."

Tyklyn stopped and looked down. "Sorry, I am rambling- I'm gonna nap and then we can leave and get going." he turned away from Deon. Cursing himself for feeling weak as he hid a watery eye whipping it back before it could actually be a tear.

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