Part 16

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"Tyklyn get off your brother."

Tyklyn looked up to see his father standing over him and one of his younger brothers. His crossed armed looked only happened when he was meaning serious business. Tyklyn stood up, he watched his father motion for him to follow.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Not yet," Bryker said pointed up towards the next level of the tree. Tyklyn headed up with his father trailing up behind him.

Tyklyn feared a lecture from his father, but instead he was greeted by piles of materials. "What is this" he asked?

"Your brother Haruf is with Orkan today learning what he needs to for being a Maeger, your a Brude, you're gonna learn what you need from me. Today, just simple items."

Tyklyn moved forward, grabbing at some of the leaves. "What is this going to be for?"

"Baskets to start."

The two worked on Tyklyn's newly learned skills for the most of the day. When Bryker heard a knocking on the tree trunk his head turned. "That's your mother. I'll be back, keep up the good work." he said ruffling his son's hair and heading down.

Tyklyn could hear his father through the branches of the hut. He mindlessly started working, that's when it happened.

A loud crack sound filled the air. He could heard the screams and yells of the other Rindosa's in the quadrant start up. He stood curiosity taking over went out on the branch that could overlook more. He saw people running, words being shouted, and several more loud cracks echoing through the quad.

That's when he could smell it. Fire. Rising up from the front of the quadrant. Catching on anything it could, the flames where quick to rise high above the tree tops, and start to spread. Several more loud blasts went off.

"Tyklyn!" he heard his father call. He looked down seeing Orkan and a few of his siblings arrive back in the hut below him. He was frozen in fear as he felt someone grab his arm and start pulling him.

The rest was a blur.

The jungle trees he was use too, seemed foreign as he climbed down with the rest and started moving towards the back of the quadrant where they knew a pool of water was to stay safe from the fires.


The sounds were closer, so close they rattled his mind. Tyklyn paused to look back. He couldn't see anything but the flames, they were starting to surround them now.


He stood to continue on.

He heard a muffle of words.

Then someone wrapping around him. The scent. Haruf.


They both went down. Tyklyn crumbling under the dead weight of his brother. He couldn't move. He felt blood roll down his back. IT wasn't his.

The flames came closer.

Burning hotter.

Until Tyklyn could only remember screaming out in pain as the flames flickered against his skin. Time was a blur, Was this hours, seconds? He couldn't figure it out. He cried and cried. Nothing.

Crunch. He looked up through a half burnt face. Seeing a large black boot step in front of him. His undamaged arm reached out asking for help. He could hear words, but didn't understand them.

The pressure of his brother's corpse came off of him, and Tyklyn was flipped over. He was surrounded back people in all black uniforms. That's when he first saw the symbol of ___, they spoke between each other in a language he didn't understand. He remembered a nod then being picked up.

Carried out through parts that were still in flames, and some where the fire had burnt itsself out. Bodies. Hundreds of them. Some burnt to unrecognisable, some partially burnt, others died but from injuries unknown to him.

He closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he was in a white room. One similar to the room Geildeto would occasionally take them into. He went there a few times growing up with his mother or one of the fathers. This wasn't the same place.

A woman in a long white lab coat came in.

She said something to him in a chirper voice. He tilted his head, and shook it, he didn't understand.

Her face puzzled, and then tried another language. Tyklyn shook his head again. She held up a hand and walked away. Then came pack with a pad. With different facial expressions, items, symbols, and handed it to him.

He looked through it. Then up at her.

She scrolled through it, then pointed to the one he recognized as healer or doctor. Then she pointed to herself. He nodded.

Dr. Swerl, he would eventually learn. This is how he communicated through his time healing from his injuries. This pad and that doctor is all he knew for a long long time. 

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now