"Ruma" Vassenhilo said, as he leaned against a large desk looking at his pet. "Bvelpio told me you wished to speak to me?"
Ruma pulled out the spots, she pouted as she walked up to him. Vassenhilo seemed off about this interaction. But he let her continue.
"I am sorry" she said, coming up a bit closer to you.
He tilted his head, "There are a lot of things you should apologise for."Ruma grimace. "I am mostly sorry for fighting you, I'll mate with my males, if you call off any arrangements with others."
Vassenhilo crossed his arms, "No.""Please, just give me a month. I am sorry, I want to focus on the compound again. Getting the projects running. Please."
Vassenhilo walked around her looking her up and down. "One month, if you are not with another litter by then. You will be by force. I think you forget who is incharge here, your a pet, not an equal. You don't have a say in things."
Ruma swallowed her pride, "I understand. I promise- I will be"Vassenhilo pointed to the door, "Get out of here." Ruma nodded and left. She got down to the hallway where the doors to her family's temporary quarters. She stopped just outside of the door, she and the boys agreed to tell her sons about the plan, or at least part of it. Since they all have to be in the loop for things to go as needed.
She took a deep breath, she knew that she couldn't tell Tyklyn who she was working with, she'd keep to the names of them and not why they are tied to them.
Ruma looked down at the vial she had kept with her. She quickly popped the top and downed the liquid. Then threw it in one of the disposal shoots. Ruma walked into the living room where they all had gathered.Ratok looked up, "Well, I assume since your back, it went as well as it could?"
Ruma nodded.
Tyklyn watched his mother walk in. "So, are you going to tell us what that important meeting was about?"
Ruma nodded. She looked over to Ratok, asking him if he would catch them up, as he would be quicker explaining what would happen.Ratok turned and caught Tyklyn and Kaylo up as much as he could, keeping what Ruma wanted away from them, as he could.
Tyklyn tensed up, his face went red but he looked away. Not sayings anything.
Ruma walked over to him, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Tyklyn?" she tapped his chest to get his attention. "Talk to me."He looked up at her, "I don't want to talk."
"Just don't use your voice that's alright you don't have to. Please, explain to me why your upset. I have an idea but please talk to me."
Tyklyn shook, "None of this is fair."
"I underst-"
"NO" he said loudly. "No, mom, bringing in more to this hell isn;t fair. I don't know if it dawned on you, I was Beskra for years! I remember when Kaylo was born. I remember the others. I wasn't just someone who showed up at the end. I saw everything he did to you, I was everything you went through, your highs and lows, I watched you almost end your own life multiple times over the years. The plan is to get out of here, momma please I don't have anyone else. I thought I was alone for years, don't make me alone again."
Tyklyn stood up and stormed out of the room.
Ruma rushed after him. Slamming the door behind them so that they could be alone. "Tyklyn" she called after him. He pushed himself into the corner of the room.
"Leave me alone."She refused and moved closer to him pulling up a chair near the bed. They sat there for a while. "You know I don't want to go through with this."
Tyklyn turned towards her. "Your speaking without issue."
Ruma nodded.
"How, you've always struggled."
She nodded again. "Whatever Vassenhilo did when I died, fixed what he did to me"
"Do the others know?"
Ruma shook her head no. "I prefer not to speak." she went silent. "I spent years not using my voice, this is how I communicate, and I am not broken." she chuckled. "That's not why I came in here."
"Can you just sign? You have a nice voice and all, but its not right hearing you speak mom."
She nodded her head. "Listen, I don't want to go through this. Tyklyn I am doing this to keep the family together. I thought I lost everything the same night as you. I will do anything for you and your brother, I promise Kaylo I would never let Vassenhilo hurt him again. I am not keeping well to that promise."
He sighed. "I know. That's not really why I am upset but it is." he said rubbing his hand through his hair.
"Talk to me."
"Since that night I don't know who, or what I am mom. I was treated like a Maeger but I'm not- and now I don't know how to act."
"How do you want to?"
"Like a brude, that's who I was born, that's who I want to be. But I don't know- this isn't the same family I was raised with- dads dead, and papa is. It's been years and I don't know if I am chasing the past."
Ruma reached out and grabbed Tyklyn's arm. "We are Rindosa, first and foremost. Be a Rindosa, never let anyone take that from you. That is why I am putting myself through all of this, I am a Rindosa. My pack is everything to me and who I am. We may not have your fathers with us, but Deon is a good Brude, and Ratok is a good Maeger even if they are not Rindosa themselves, they will not make you be who you aren't. Kaylo is a brude. I need you to be you, if we are going to make it out. As Rindosa you aren't leaving me again until you find a female."
Tyklyn laid his head against Ruma. "I know you don't want to hear my voice yet. I need you to be on board with me, Tyk. I can't lose you a second time. We will continue to find our own way, and I will not let us go from one owner to another, this is just a starting point. I need you in play when I have the little ones, Deon is going to need a crash course in how to be a brude."
Tyklyn chuckled. "I'm sorry."
"Acting a child."
"Tyk, you still are one. One who went through more than I would ever wish on my enemy, but still a child. Rindosa aren't humans or animal kin, we age slowly and feel strongly. You can still come to me if you need to."
He wrapped himself around her more. Tightly squeezing. Ruma whipped a tear from her face. Her poor son. Her heart ached for him.
"Let's go back. We have plans to finish discussing it."
"Of course"
"And I'll keep your secret."
"You better" she playful pinched at his cheek. Then they headed out to join the others.
Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective Breeding
Science FictionA year has past since the death of the last Rindosa. Ruma's beloved males. Deon, the human, and Ratok, the bear kin are struggling to keep life moving on as they navigate the first year without Ruma alone. Vassenhilo acts as if he can bring her bac...