Chapter Twenty-three

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Kaylo and Tyklyn were sound asleep. One brother facing the head of the bed, the other the foot, as they faced away from each other while they were touching back to back. Kaylo has never slept alone, and Tyklyn found a deep comfort from days gone by sleeping like he use to with his other siblings.

They were both startled awake by the door slamming open. Tyklyn was quick from his years of training to take the defensive, and covered Kaylo. Tyklyn snarled up at the intruder, as the scent hit his nose he knew it wasn't his mother or either of her males.

"Oh, come now. Don't act all tough with me." he heard a womans voice coo. As Tyklyn watched her saunter into the room. She shut the door behind her. "You must be Ruma's boys I've heard about. My my, rather she births them or breeds them she surely does have quite a cute little gaggle of males around her now don't she?"

Tyklyn shifted throwing Kaylo behind him. Kaylo stayed low in a crouched posiiton watching this newcomer from behind the safety of his brother. Kaylo snarled, quietly while Tyklyn was much more forceful with his, adding in some snaps to try and keep her back.

This only seemed to make her smile more, "Oh, please do keep up that adorable display of aggression." she moved into the room more. Waltzing right up and sitting down on the edge of the bed where the two where.

"Who are you?" Tyklyn asked, pushing back away from her, keeping his arm out to shield Kaylo. "How do you know our mother?" as far as Tyklyn was concerned, nobody outside of Vassenhilo, Ratok, and Deon knew that he was Ruma's son.

She smiled wider, as if it was possible. "Easy sweetie, I am her worse enemy. I plan on taking everything from her." her fauxed sweetness turned dark, sick, and twisted very quickly.

"Why?" he growled.

"Simple. Because I want to. Because I know I can. No other reason than to prove I am the better woman." she moved up even orcloser. Placing her hand on Tyklyn's thigh and squeezing.

Tyklyn quickly threw a eight hook catching her in the jaw. Her head wiped to the side. Tyklyn stood. Grabbing her by the arm. He drug her out of the room and tossed to to the ground.

"Try that again bitch, also my mother is going to have a heyday tearing you limb from limb." He grabbed the door and locked him and his brother back in.

Carma sat in the hall absolutely rattled by the hit.

She stood. Heading back to Bvelpio with her 'tail tucked' to reevaluate her plan.


Deon woke in the late evening. His body ached but wasn't as much as a visual pain as it was before.

"Ruma." He whimpered out. Everything in him, down to the core cried out for her. He felt something jump up beside him.

Then a gentle tap on his chest. He opened an eye, then winced in pain. Blinked a few times then looked again.

"I am right here" she signed leaning in to kiss him.

"I don't feel right." He said. Quickly shuffling over the edge of the bed and losing straight stomach vial.

Ruma was at his back gently rubbing it. Not worried about were the vomit went as she knew she could get a cleaning bot to handle it.

"I don't want to be here." He cried. Ruma wrapped her arms under him. Squeezing tight. He wrapped around her the best he could. "Please."

Ruma kissed the back of his neck. Then moved away, hearing him whimper when she lost contact with him. She went to the med bot, and typed in the command that Vassenhilo told her to do. She watched the bot spring to life, move over and start to under the cords and wires from him, as well as remove the IV line from him.

When it was done it, pulled a moving bed out. And transferred him over. Ruma again hopped on and rode with Deon as it wheeled them away.

Deon was velcored to Ruma. Refusing to let go. His clinginess worried her that something else was wrong, she was hoping that he was just seeking comfort from all his pain.

When the bot rolled them into the elevator, Ruma smelt it. She couldn't even control the rolling snarl that came out of her. The scent of the one who touch her Brude was everywhere.

She felt Deon tighten his grip on her when her snarl flared.

The bot continued unbothered. Moving her and Deon into her room. She hoped off when they got in even against Deons objection of her moving away.

Ratok had been in bed but he jolted up at the sound of them coming in. He watched Ruma stare out the door, hair on the back of her neck raised. With that feral snarl continuing.

"Ruma?" He said her name with no responce from her. He then turned and watched the bot put Deon in bed than leave.

Ruma stood up and walked over to Ratok.

"I need the code to the boys room" she said keeping her head down.

Ratok was confused. "No. We talked"

Ruma's head snapped up with a nesr crazed look in her eye, she snarled and snapped in Ratok's face. "Codes!" She stained her voice to the point tears rolled from her eyes.


She whipped away and headed out of the room. Ruma mashed the 5 button so hard it cracked.

She didn't care she crossed her arms and waited for the ding. Smelling the woman's scent again.

It wasn't on the top floor.

But it was in the elevator.

Ruma had to check her boxes. Make sure none of hers was messed with.

As she stepped out. She could smell her here too.

Her feet stomped as her vision darken and tunneled. Typing in the number the door open.

Tyklyn was there.

"Mom? I thought you were-"

"Are you hurt?"

Tyklyn froze and shook his head. "No."

"Is Kaylo?"

"No he is fine,"

Ruma took a step back and pointed to the elevator. "Room now,"

Tyklyn nodded and waved Kaylo to follow. The two of them were in the elevator before Ruma turned around. She followed them back and pressed the button for upstairs.

The two boys raced into her Ruma. Ruma came back in slamming her door shut. Then moving over to Deon. Who was shivering where he laid. She curled around him and laid down.

Ratok looked at her. He knew better than to ask or say anything. He just laid down and moved in close to her.

Ruma was on edge, but after a half hour of hearing her family in her room she settled letting the anger flee from her. 

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