Chapter 42

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The next day Ruma decided to take off from doing Vassenhilo's bidding to spend some more desired time with her males, and sons. Around noon she was laid on Deon who was stretched out on a couch with his attention on the screen a few feet away. Ruma was habitually scrolling through an electronic pad keeping an update on what was happening in the quadrants even though it was "her time off", her head rested on his chest, while his arms wrapped around her with the small white two handed system controller in his hands.

Ratok was sitting on the other side of the couch sleeping away the day yet again still recovering from the unknown experiment. Ruma had her legs stretched out over his lap, and even in his sleep he had his arms resting over her feet.

Kaylo sat on the floor next to her with his back pressed against the couch, his head would occasionally lean back against Ruma's or Deon's leg prompting one of the two to reach their hand down to stroke his hair for a moment then return to what they were doing.

Tyklyn sat at the furthest chair from everyone, it was obvious he was still wanting to be in and around the group, but hadn't worked himself to be closer.

After a few hours of mindless gaming, Tyklyn and Kaylo found themselves heading off to nap. The further the journey went to more naps that were taken throughout the days. Deon dropped the controller and rolled to wrap his arms under Ruma's. Squeezing her in a tight hug, than playfully messing with her stomach, but moving one his hands up to rest under her shirt on her breast.

His head came to rest on her shoulder as his eyes danced down the screen in front of him. He watched as Ruma was still entering data, and moving subject to different quads to better the breeding and experiments.

"We are days away and on an interstellar ship. Why are you still doing his work." Deon whispered in her ear.

Ruma didn't bother to sign, she pulled up a note pad and quickly typed out her response. "I am still playing the part of the good pet right now, until we decide on what we wish to do." she then quickly erased her writing when Deon spoke, so it wouldn't get saved or seen by someone else.

"I see." he looked over the electronic pad, and a memory flashed for him, giving him the biggest ah ha moment. He quickly took over what she was doing and started messing with the different applications.

Ruma growled as he took her off the pages she was purposefully on. Until the document he was wanting her to see was pulled up. "Just read this." he said, moving back so she could see the screen once more.

Upon further research done with the Science Department Of Genius [Redacted], it has come to the understanding of both Parties, Geildeto and the Science Department, that the Hyper-species known as Rindosa, not only have incredible physical adaptation but have shown to be able to naturally produce multiple healing properties that can be safely and in high concentration from their blood and placenta.

It is with this information that the scientists from Genius [Redacted] find it highly important that we bring Geildeto's experimentation under the effect of a federally protected project and proceed to fund it for the future of scientific medicine.

Ruma pressed into Deon more, looking it over and over. "What is this?" she finally asked, sitting up and turning towards him.

"It was a document I found. I had forgotten about it with everything going on, but something reminded me of it laying here."

Ruma looked back at it again. "He worked with a government facility? I never knew-"

"It doesn't have a lot of information and I haven't had time to go snooping more, but it has to be talking about Genius 46, the planet you originated from. I remember thinking first reading this, that you were a part of some government funded research, and not just a vanity project from Geildeto." Deon said, pointing to a few points that supported his case.

Ruma shook her head, "No, it was just him. It had always been him, this had to be dated closer to the attack, he must have said no or something."

Deon's head turned towards the boys' room. "Or they said yes, and a certain organisation didn't like their governments dealing in secret human experimentation and slavery."

Ruma looked over at the door as well. She could already here the soft snorts of her sons, coming out of the bedroom. She thought of Tyklyn and then the paper, "He isn't adjusting well, I don't want to drop this on him too."

"He is a full Rindosa, correct?" Deon asked.

Ruma nodded.

"Well, then he is probably just touch starved. Your people craved family groups, and didn't like strangers. He has been forced alone for a while, and now his 'family' group is mostly strangers. He shares his cot with Kaylo, they sleep in a huddle, they have done that since they were in the cells."

"Its my fault then? I haven't been with him enough?"

"No, hush. When he wakes, you can spend some more time with him, I'll go find something to do to leave you alone for sometime." Deon stood up, pulling Ruma along with him. Tossing her electronic pad down on the couch near Ratok, who just rolled over to stretch out on the couch. "For now-" Deon said, taking her to the bedroom. "I think we should pick up what we were doing last night." 

Revenants of the Past- Book Two of Selective BreedingWhere stories live. Discover now