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Over 300 different teenagers would get a strange envelope, whether it was from the mailbox, the trash can, the floor, wherever. It was black with designed gold lining, it looked fancy, but what was inside was a contract to a game show. A show called Disgraceful Games. Some people signed without reading, some people read it and signed anyway, and some people didn't sign it, possibly making the best choice of their life. There was also a section where the guardian needed to sign it, after all, everyone who got sent these envelopes were teenagers, minors. Some convinced their legal guardians, some guardians read it out and chose not to sign, some did and signed anyway, and some just signed it without care. Out of the 342 teenagers that were given the envelope, only 239 actually came along. Little did those 239 teens know, they were in for the time of their lives. Both Negatively and Positively.

The Contract was simple and short, yet a little shocking to some that actually read. It stated that there were absolutely no rules, you could do anything, start fights, do drugs, drink and party loudly, kill, anything really. Of course though, they also stated they were not responsible for any injuries or deaths caused in the games and the intermission. The Games would only come out with 5 winners, those people getting grand prizes at the end, the entire event being predicted to last about 100+ rounds of games, maybe less depending on eliminations, but they never specified on the eliminations part.

Every teenager had about 20 days to get to the location the games were taking place if their contract was signed, and they had to make sure they didn't lose the contract or die on the way either, as it was a big but secluded island away from everything else. Some people would have to do long trips that would take about that much time, or simple flights to arrive in 2 days or so. They just have to hope they make it, let alone get in.

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