ESCT & Game Announcement

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Texan Narrator here again. Anyways, as I saw the ESCT come back with the headphones man, we announced on the speakers. "Whoever has the most perfect family will not only live, but they'll get $5000 per person and they will all get to decide whether a certain man dies or not!!! Yippee!!!" I made sure to sound extra cheerful too because with the money and maybe the possibly execution part they would be more motivated to have a perfect family.

Though, as I turn off the microphone and go to the ESCT crew and talk to them, I notice they're still holding the headphones man who's tied up. I decide to then call up Zackary and Zachary to the occasion. When the two men come up in their usual uniforms, Zackary with the white paper bag and Zachary with the black paper bag, I instantly greet them and introduce the headphones man. The Headphones man just laughed maniacally as he saw them and I found that strange. "You get the honor of taking his disguise off." I told Zachary as he answered smugly. "Gladly." He said before sticking his tongue out at Zackary who was rolling his eyes at Zachary's immaturity as Zachary took off the Headphones man's fedora and noir mask.

The person who was under the mask was of course, one of the contestants, Arch T. Summit. We all were pretty shocked though since we probably expected it to be someone else and since we didn't really pay attention to this contestant at all, I can see why he thought he could escape. Arch meanwhile would just laugh even harder before suddenly stopping and looking us all dead in the eye, his almost pitch black eyes orbiting between the staff members that were present. A janitor who was just cleaning even got scared and decided to clean somewhere else once he saw that scary look from Arch. "Oh come on guys.. I just wanted to have a little fun, yet you came for me so quick and sudden, not even a chance to have a little adrenaline rush." Arch would say, making a fake frown as he was slightly chuckling. "It is our job to make sure none of you idiotic teenagers break the rules." The ESCT Captain replied to him. Arch would then look him, dead in the soul as he replied with a smile. "Oh c'mon, can't you make exceptions???" Arch would slightly whine as he smiled in complete amusement, and then Zachary interrupted the both of them when he could tell the ESCT Captain was about to say something. "Alright guys, get him to the execution room and tie him to a chair, and make sure to watch over him while we get the game started. Narrator boy, come with me." Of course, I did as Zachary said as he went outside and I got in the speakers office.

"Prepare as the games will start in 2 hours!!!" I exclaim as I turn off the microphone and exit the office, going to watch Zachary from one of the spectator windows.

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