Cristina De La Cruz pt. 2

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I know I should let other new people get this episode entry instead of me, but they chose me because I said I had something important to explain so here. No Evelyn, if you see this I'm not trying to steal your crushes! All I've wanted was to help you get with them and they always seem to start liking me but I only want them to like you! I know Aren's starting to like me too cause with the weird looks he's given me, but I can't be your friend and reject Aren for you anymore Evelyn after what you said in that episode. I'm going to actually take a chance with a guy for once and not just let me trying to be helpful for your ungrateful self ruin it. Not right now will I take action though because that would be weird in a game where me and Aren are supposed to play as siblings.

Why has the wait for this game to start taken so long? Are we still having people switch in and out of families and trade positions in others' families right now? I'm starting to get a little impatient but then again I shouldn't waste episode time rambling about it. Instead I'll give the episode time to a different person so here, I'm ending it right now.

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