Heads Up Seven Up!

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Since this game is a guessing game, this is the only episode that's going to be made on the Heads Up Seven Up game, so it's gonna to be long, and also make sure to stay focused.

Now, as everyone has gotten to the arena, we bring them into the classroom and we assign them seats, and then we tell them to close their eyes as we go up to random contestants and whisper that they'll be the ones who touch thumbs.

Since we don't want to have games going on for crazy long, we'll make about half of the people be thumb touchers, and the other half will be the guessers so that we will have a lot less contestants and the end of the event (event of this year) will come quicker.

Also, to fit a little ESCT update in because the viewers are curious and don't want us to just ignore it, we managed to find Blake drowned in the water as he was probably off his meds and then the hallucinations caused him to do such things since he's severely schizophrenic, so with that out of the way, we will now continue the games. We decided to let the Narrators (besides me cause I was chosen to narrate this game) whisper in people's ears. Before we did it though, we counted the amount of contestants there were and we realized with Blake Hawkins' absence that there will be one person who makes it uneven, so we're leaving it up to the viewers to tell us who to kill with this super sick gun we have! Oooo Sniper!

Anyway, because of this inconvenience we are deeply sorry to say that this episode will have to end here as it has to be decided. Cya when it's decided!

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