Corey Delgades

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I heard really loud screams, I couldn't tell where it was coming from, but the screams were ones of pure terror, pain, fear. I couldn't just leave someone to already be hurt or killed just because this game had no rules! I always had a dream to be a superhero, and in this game maybe I would become one! I hope I fit the standard to be one too, I work out and bench about 285 lbs, and I'm 6 foot 5, that's a good set of "stats" for a 17 almost 18 year old right? I after all have to make sure I have to be strong to beat stronger villains.

Back to the point though, I immediately looked for wherever this hypnotic yet treacherous sound was coming from, and I eventually did, it came from a small storage room near the end of a lengthy hallway. I didn't hesitate, I walked there, quickly, I had to go quick and make sure nobody actually got killed because of my slowness! Once I got there though, the door was locked from the inside. Shit. I proceeded to break down the door, luckily it was a wooden door because if it wasn't not only me but the person getting hurt would've been doomed too. Once I managed to break down the door, I opened it.

The culprit was gone. Only a very clearly beaten up and tortured little girl was there. She still looked pretty even with melted and bloody makeup, but, that was besides the point. I immediately grabbed her by the hand and brought her to the nearest hospital, after all, this was a city, there had to be some sort of clinic or hospital.

We eventually found a hospital, thank god! It was pretty close too, so I didn't have doubts before I got there, and it was weirdly quiet, empty yet it had staff. They all wore white veils, these white veils only having holes so they could see. All the staff had light colored eyes too. Strange. Anyway, I saved someone, and that was all that mattered, I'm a true superhero!

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