Preparation Sixth Game

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Since that Texan Narrator guy is too tired to announce and Zachary has too much of a soft side for him, I get chosen to announce the game this time.

As I go to the announcements room and I turn on the mic attached to all the speakers, I obviously start speaking. "Hello worthless dumbass idiots that somehow are still alive! Today I am proud to announce the sixth game!!! Woohoo!" I say with slight sarcasm as I watch the cameras and everyone seems to be listening to the speakers now. "Let's spin The Wheel of Misfortune to see what game we're about to play!!" I'd say as I now went to the wheel spinning website computer and I'd spin the wheel, before it landed on Heads Up Seven Up! I'd then roll the chair back to the mic as I then stopped it from rolling any further once I was near the mic and I'd speak into it. "Ohhhh cool and unique game! Heads up Seven up everyone! Aren't you excited??" I'd chuckle before I looked at the panicked people and I'd turn off the mic.

I felt satisfied after worrying these little idiot teenage contestants a shit ton. It was a great feeling to feel after getting work done and since I had done my work for the day, I went to MY room, laid in my bed and then proceeded to pull the blanket over myself while dreaming cool things till I fell asleep.

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