Kill the Juggernaut

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As everyone got ready with their weapons, Jolene was in a separate room, she was given multiple small daggers and she was given rollerskates and the ability to climb through vents and small crawling areas to kill people. Since she had a small figure as well, she could crawl through these spaces easily. Just have to hope the survivors don't find that out.

As everyone was entered in the arena now, some people were now more visible to the viewers, some of the teens here being noticed and asked if they want an episode on them. Of course though, we won't just end this episode for their episodes, we have to narrate this game first.

Now the whistle of doom was blown and everyone would separate and go around scavenging for any signs of Jolene the Juggernaut. Peyton Rose was probably the one who was most motivated on finding and killing Jolene, but it was to wonder if Jolene wanted to kill Peyton as well, or if she was still completely afraid of him.

Everyone heard a scream now and they came to look, there was a dead girl with a stab wound on her forehead laying on the ground as people looked up and down, confused. Someone then spoke up. "Guys the juggernaut is in the vents! I can hear it!" Joel said as everyone looked at him and then suddenly started hearing rapid crawling sounds in the vents that quickly went by. Peyton automatically started following the sound in the vents as all he wanted was to kill Jolene, to finish what he had started.

Corey was walking through the forest though, he didn't want to kill Jolene after what he had promised her. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He didn't even care if he lost anymore money than he already did after losing the Capture the Flag game when refusing to hurt David. He just couldn't bring himself to try and actually kill someone now, let alone someone who didn't deserve it.

Corey got an idea though. What if he navigates Jolene away from Peyton and the other survivors until the game ends? If the game ends before the survivors can kill the juggernaut or before the juggernaut kills 10 people there will be no consequences or benefits, the timer starts counting down once a death happens and since one happened recently Corey can find Jolene and lead her away from the dangers of the survivors who want to kill her. Specifically Peyton.

Corey had a mission now, so he'd start running around trying to find Jolene. As he looked around for his friend he'd eventually find her and he'd call out for her. Which she came to his calls. "What?" she whispered to him as she looked through a vent opening while also looking around to see if Peyton as anywhere nearby. "Follow me." Corey whispered as he watched Jolene slowly climb out of the vents and run with him into the deeper parts of the arena.

What they found was actually quite interesting. An abandoned looking treehouse that had a massive flight of wooden, raggedy stairs. This would be hard to get up if your legs got tired easily and you had a lot of mass like Corey. The stairs were still for some magical reason sturdy as hell. They did not even crack when Corey stepped on them, it was like Corey weighed under 100 pounds. Once they climbed to the top they went inside and looked around, the place was also raggedy but very empty looking. It just looked like every other abandoned shed in those horror movies except it was a treehouse so there was no secret scary underground bunker. Corey and Jolene decided to plan to just wait around in this treehouse.

Meanwhile, Peyton would be angrily searching EVERYWHERE for Jolene, and since he had search every bit of the place besides the treehouse, he'd now start walking up the stairs of the treehouse in hopes he found Jolene and could possibly finish what he had started once again. He would climb the stairs quickly. Once he reached the top though, he would look through one of the window openings of the treehouse and he'd slowly kneel in front of it. When Peyton was in the arena, he was the last to pick his weapon due to indecisiveness and had to deal with a sniper gun, and now Peyton saw the great use for it as he placed the sniper gun down quietly yet firmly as he looked through the scope and loaded it with the one piece of ammo he had, making sure to keep quiet as he would aim. Right for Jolene's head.

Corey and Jolene were just talking when suddenly there'd be a loud sound and Jolene would go silent. Corey had his eyes closed though, smiling happily. "Oh don't mind that, the other survivors are probably just messing around!" He'd then proceed to open his eyes slowly and then into a wide eyed, traumatized and dreaded stare as he took off his sunglasses and looked at Jolene who just sitting there with a bloody bullet wound in her head. The speakers would loudly erupt everyone's hopeless peace as they announced the death of the Juggernaut, and since Peyton was the one who killed her, Peyton would be given any weapon of his choice. Everyone knows what he was going to pick based on past experiences, a flamethrower. With this, he could burn anything he wanted and people would barely be able to do anything about it.

Corey was extremely upset even after the game, he failed to protect one of his friends so early on in the game that he genuinely felt like it was his fault. He started to seriously consider suicide but would then remember his brother, Abraham Delgades and he would remember all of his friends and he would remember their kindness, and their care for him. They wouldn't want him to go down that route, so he decided to keep on living for his brother and his friends as he laid down in bed and got lost in his own thoughts as he drifted to sleep.

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