Murder Mystery pt. 3

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The next day, Pavel and Ira would be sitting next to eachother after switching classes to have each other in every period, narrowing down suspects until they circled the headshot of one student during 2nd period. Hay Hayes, why'd his parents "bless" him with the name "Hay"? We don't know! Just gotta find him, or at least that's Pavel and Ira's job, I sit here to narrate for them, haha.

Anyway, as Pavel and Ira searched at break time for Hay Boy, they'd come across a crowd surrounding something... unknown in the cafeteria, and as they went to check it out, they'd see the dead body of poor Emily that would be warning specifically Ira and Pavel in a very... vague way on a bloody sticky note. "I know who you are, I." That's strange, because "I" must be the initial for Ira, while Pavel isn't mentioned at all even though he's pretty obviously associated himself with Ira many times, so who could this be? Meanwhile, Hay would be nowhere to be found as Ira examined the note. "Wow." He'd chuckle and look at Pavel. "I don't think they know you yet, am I that obvious?" Pavel would shrug before getting an idea and speaking on it immediately "Nah, I think it goes.. MUCH deeper." Ira would look at Pavel beside him and he'd raise an eyebrow in curiousity. "Oh? So you have an idea on why?" Pavel would nod and reply to Ira. "Yes, but, we'll probably have to discuss this somewhere else."

Meanwhile during 3rd period as the cameras would cut to John for a quick bit, he'd be seen healing one of the people in detention that somehow managed to escape after being injured, and guess who it was, HAY HAYES! That's a shocker, definitely. As Hay Hayes was getting treated, he would hyperventilate due to the severe PTSD and he'd talk to John, or at least try, about what he saw. "I.. The murderer... I couldn't get a good glimpse because I got attacked and tried to escape as best as... *sniff* I could but... *sniff* she.. she had.. black hair.. and *sniff* a slim but athletic kinda *sniff* body.. So-so I *sniff* think they were a *sniff girl...." John meanwhile would still be pissed about the outfit as he treated Hay. "Okay, I hear ya out but can you QUIT IT with the sniffin'?!?!" He'd say pretty enraged while Hay would just try not to sniffle despite wanting to and he'd give into John's requests and demands. "O-oh.. okay.. sorry." John would then feel bad right after once he thought about Hay's situation more and he'd just sigh an exasperated one. "No, okay, it's fine, I'm sorry too though..." Hay would smile slightly before just going back to a more neutral one quickly. "I— Uhm it's okay."

As Grace Cork would be in the library reading her books and skipping 4th period class as if she had forgotten the rules somehow, a girl would pop up behind her, one that seemed to know her because Grace looked back and instantly recognized her from their possible time hanging out in the school game and the intermission. "Oh, hey Yuna." She'd say, and Yuna would just smile and sit down beside her, something behind her back in a very hidden way. "Hey Grace, I just wanted to skip in the hallways but I saw you here so I thought I might as well join you." She'd say sweetly as Grace got a sick feeling in her stomach for some reason. "Oh... that's nice..." She'd say as she put on a nervous smile and tried to see what Yuna was holding before Yuna would notice and just move to where it was even less visible. "Hold on, can you wait for me real quick here? I need to go do something." She'd say as she'd then walk out the library to go into the bathroom, and she knew that Grace would either try to ignore the hints or run away out of the library, but she hoped that Grace would ignore them out of niceness as she then slipped into a stall.

Near the end of 4th period, about 8 minutes left, Grace would start to look around and then sigh happily once she thought Yuna was gone, but as she had that thought cross her mind she'd suddenly get a raging gut feeling that caused her to get out of her chair quickly, barely dodging a masked person that matched Hay's description's machete slash. Grace would back up and she'd start running immediately, but of course, the masked person was faster and....

"What, the fuck." Pavel would let slip out as he saw an unrecognizable, brutal murder. Whoever died was so mutilated and stabbed, that it seemed like an attack of passion for their hatred. It seemed to have taken clear effort, which would honestly even leave Ira impressed. "This in a span of 9 minutes was definitely a huge workout." He'd joke slightly, and Pavel's eye would twitch just a bit because of the fact Ira felt the need to joke, but he'd brush it off for now as Hay was also inbetween them. He had his eyes covered yet he was peeking with two open fingers, and as Pavel walked off with Hay to keep Hay from vomiting or getting more worried for his life, Ira would walk towards the corpse and he'd analyze the wounds and the looks of the corpse. "Yet, you didn't try hard enough soldier, the body is still recognizable." He'd say exasperatedly, even though it took him a pretty long while to recognize it was Grace Cork, so long that most of the crowd left besides Davíd Rodriguez and Eve Caroll. Davíd would then go talk to Ira with his pretty newly learned English, along with a Colombian Spanish accent to it. "Do you know who it was?" He'd ask, and Ira would nod and turn his head to face Davíd. "Grace Cork, y'know, the newbie that came only days ago?" Davíd would be confused, scratching his cheek lightly with his pointer finger before Eve would get closer and interrupt slightly. "Oh yeahhh herrr... I think she was friends with Yuna but Grace would talk about her to me and some other girls she met and then sooner or later Yuna found out... Yeah she took the 100th chapter and the chance to talk bad about Yuna for no reason so..." Ira's eyes would lighten up with each word and he'd interrupt out of enlightenment. "Wait— Thanks a lot for that info dear lord! I need to get to Pavel with this!" He'd suddenly grab Eve's face and he'd kiss her right on the lips for seemingly no reason, other than as an expression of excited gratitude before running off, leaving Eve surprised and Davíd somewhat jealous.

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