Joseph Swanson pt. 2

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All of this, is fucking. BULLSHIT. No fucking way those lazy ass retards decided to vote for ME to die on that damn bitch-ass poll on the internet. Now I'm going to have to sit on a fucking throne while I watch my team and some other guy's team fight to the fucking death with me dying and me living being a 50/50 chance after they announced the teams were going to be as fair as possible.

To add hand sanitizer AND salt onto the fucking deep ass cut wound as well, I only got voted because I called David Rodriguez a fucking alien and he happened to be a fan favorite. Seriously, how much more bullshit will I be able to fucking take?! No fucking way they let that wall hopper become a fan favorite without even having ANY episodes with him as one of the main stars' interactions be made on who might have to die. He's literally just a dumbass side character! How the fuck are these special ed retards gonna be so soft just because of one comment I made about him when I was in that cold ass prison. God, now I have to make friends with all of my hard labor slaves so that they'll fight harder for me.

I also have to train on how to be strategic as well, along with learning how to work with dumbass people. Fucking lord Christ, so much work because I called a beaner an "alien". They're probably going to hate me even more as well once they see me ranting in the fucking men's bathroom for the lord's sake.

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