Marvin Jr. Liam & Narrator

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No way. No way. NO WAY!!!

I'm NEVER being optimistic again for the last 5 minutes of my life! I can see everyone gossiping around me as I'm tied to this bomb filled throne and I'm hating every single bit of it. My life cut short because of a damn wheel they decided to spin that chose ME as the opposing captain of Joseph Swanson. KARMA IS REAL! I just KNOW that Joseph will get what he deserves. I know this world will answer my prayers at some point and I'll get to be in the afterlife a happy spirit once I know Joseph will be joining me in agony.

I can see the remote in their hand as I know what's about to come to me. Death awaits and I can't do anything but accept my fate for the entertainment of incels on the dark web. Goodbye Momma, Goodbye Poppa, Goodbye Sisters and Bros. I'll be watching over y'all in heaven.


Now everyone watched as the bombs detonated and Marvin Jr exploded to pieces, his blood and organs flying across the neutral battlefield as people reacted in many different ways, some even laughing or throwing up at the sight of blood and organs. It was a preposterous sight for these disgraceful teenagers but they just were happy that they weren't the ones dead for now. Some were unhappy though because of the taking half money rule, so everyone that was assigned to Marvin Jr's team lost half of their money and they were very outraged yet could not do anything about it. They realized that after just realizing the death they witnessed.

Everyone on Joseph Swanson's team felt some sort of relief, especially Joseph Swanson since he gets to live for longer than he would be able to if his team lost. Joseph was also relatively peaceful and maybe even happy at the fact that he was able to make peace with what used to be his sworn enemy before the game, David Rodriguez. They were now acquaintances and not necessarily friends but that was fine with Joseph, as long as he was peaceful with the fan favorite he would come out on top. He at least hoped.

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