Jeremy Wagner pt. 3

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Okay, so I guess they actually did listen to my game idea about Heads up Seven up because they literally just announced it. I also like how they're holding up the pile of episode entries just for me to get a cool lil episode about how I was right. I wonder how they're going to actually turn heads up seven up into a death game though.

Also, where the fuck is Blake Hawkins? I know they probably sent some sort of security unit to go look for him but they probably should have caught him sooner like they did Arch... Oh well though, it's not any of my concern.

Just for a little bit more time in my episode, if you want to know what country I'm from I'm actually from Australia, but since most of the contestants are either from the USA, UK, or Canada they don't tell you that they also sent letters out to people in Australia, New Zealand and Northern Ireland. They send letters to the countries with more English speaking populations after all. No, I do not brawl with kangaroos. Bye.

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