Yuna Campbell

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I don't know what happened, all I know is that this guy who was way taller than me barged into my apartment, grabbed and carried me and placed me outside the building. I originally thought it was for no reason and was deciding to go back inside when I suddenly saw the smoke and flames from the windows above and I knew I shouldn't even think of it. I just went to sit on a bench at a distance where I won't get hurt but close enough to see the smoke and the flames making a beautiful hue in the plain tall green brick building.

As I was watching the flames, I noticed someone sit next to me and I looked at him, I got startled, not because he was suddenly next to me but because he was absolutely handsome and my type. His perfect face along with his blue eyes, his red hair, his muscular yet athletic build and the way his clothing matched with his hotness made me gasp. I was blushing and once he looked at me I tried to look away, but I definitely knew now he knew what I was thinking, because he asked me. "What you want?" In the most hot Russian accent ever. His accent was rough sounding but that's EXACTLY what I like in a man. I instantly had the hots for this guy just like Porsha for Aren and he could probably tell at the fact I just looked at him and was blushing super hard, too nervous to say anything to this absolutely breathtaking man.

He eventually stopped looking at me and continued to watch the burning building so I did the same, I already felt like sitting closer to this man and I already felt like he was mine and mine only, even though I just meant him. Sometimes I'm a little too delusional so I apologize for my silly thoughts. I know this is an episode on me being broadcasted to the entire dark web but I could care less. If anything, I NEED to get my thoughts on this man out there, cause I'm sure some girlies out there agree with me.

After like a minute, I decided to try and strike some conversation with this guy. "So.. what's your name?" I'd ask him with a gentle smile to appear as friendly, especially trying to hide the dark and silly thoughts in my head. He just turned his head to look at me before responding pretty calmly. "Pavel." Pavel? That's a pretty boring name but he's too hot to have a name affect how much I like him at this point, so I just decide to tell him my name now. "Oh nice name! Mine is Yuna, Yuna Campbell!" I said to him in a customer service voice that my mom does all the time when she's on a call with her clients as he just nodded, before he spoke again. "Where from?" I'd instantly respond out of my pure lust for this man. "I'm from Canada, you?" With his accent, he didn't even need to tell me, I already knew he was from Russia. "You know me." He would do that hesitant chuckle as he just stopped looking at me and watched the burning down building. I nodded at his words before continuing to watch the building be on fire until the speakers suddenly went on again to bother us after that temporary mosh pit like a day ago.

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