Lost Notebook / Headphones Man

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We as the narrators recently found a notebook from one of the more recently fire struck buildings from Peyton's Pyromania. The notebook is for some reason barely burnt without any fingerprints or DNA on it. It says; "The man in the coat manages to keep his humanity afloat, by stealing and escaping by boat." Whoever this guy is, they are trying so hard to be poetic and it's kind of funny to be honest but at least it rhymes. Anyway, we will get our ESCT (Elite Secure Contract Team) to find this man in a coat that's on a boat and stop him from leaving the island since we cannot have anybody sharing the secrets of what this place truly is to everyone outside of this game. Beware, coated man.

Anywho, I will now keep in touch with the ESCT while I get another narrator to explain to the viewers on the dark web of our "Kill the Juggernaut" game.

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