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The ID men came to greet the prisoners, there were about 11 ID men, the same amount of ID people as prisoners who tried to get in with fake IDs, of course. The ID men chose who they wanted to talk to individually so that the prisoner could appeal. The one that would be recorded first was Rosalina Aguilar and ID man #5

Rosalina looked at him with her cold gaze, the ID man wasn't intimidated though, or at least he hid it well. "Alright, what is your reasoning?" The man would say, looking into her soul, waiting for her response. She would then open her mouth after about 20 seconds, speaking. "Look, I pulled out the wrong ID okay? It was an accident." The ID man chuckled at this statement, thinking it was a lie, but then the room slowly turned green, and he shut himself up after that. Now knowing she was telling the truth, they let her out.

Next to be recorded, Joseph Swanson, and ID man #7. The ID man would stare at him with a look of pure malice and hatred, he'd say coldly. "Look at me you little bitch, why did you use a fake ID." Joseph just stared at the man blankly after such nefarious language, of course, he replied though. "I pulled the wrong one out, I'm sorry." The ID man would be shocked at such kindness, and he'd watch the room slowly turn green, letting the Joseph boy free to the event.

Now, it was Davíd Rodriguez and ID man #1, of course, their whole conversation was in Spanish. To put it simply though, Davíd is an immigrant that paid for a fake ID so he's being let in the event due to the audience's weird interest in him.

There were some others too, but of course, we don't know them yet, so we aren't talking about them. Nobody's reasons were invalidated and they all seemed to have good reasons and have been telling the truth.

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