Minato Shimizu

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Honestly, I don't even know what the fuck I'm gonna talk about with this episode now that my entry has been accepted, so I'm just gonna do an introduction right now.

Hi, my name is Minato Shimizu, I'm the son my father barely cares about and sent me off here due to the fact he just values my younger sibling, Kakashi, over me. I am currently doing this though so that if I win, I will have an extravagant enough victory in order to win his approval, and maybe get more attention than Kakashi. I don't hate Kakashi though, I never will ever have a strong enough anger to hate him, I just envy him is all.

Also, I'm not a Japanese immigrant, I was actually born in the USA and I actually have brunette hair and light blue eyes despite being Japanese. There was always the theory I had that I was never actually Japanese, and instead I was just the product of some anime weeb. No, that was not true at all and instead when I asked my father that he showed me the plot of our third oldest ancestor, Yuta Shimizu. The fact that our 2 oldest ancestors are Alexandros Kythira and then Christos El Mourad makes me a little freaked out at how they could've popped up with a Japanese guy named Yuta Shimizu after. The change from the Alexandros Greek guy to the Christos Arab guy makes it make a little more sense though, since they also had a sudden complete ethnicity change there.

Okay, enough about that though, instead I will be like every other corny contestant here and I will talk about who I am currently friends with and who I have a crush on. To be honest, I have no crushes, I'm not interested in relationships at all ever since I was a little kid, but for friends, I have none either. I haven't taken time out of my probably soon to be cut off life here to actually meet some new people and make allies. I definitely should though soon since I don't want to risk dying in any upcoming games. Okay goodbye now I'm bored as shit.

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