Friendly Reminders to Viewers 2

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Newspaper Narrator here! Today for the NEW YEARS!!! We are going to announce the Newspaper Drama to you viewers before we actually announce the next game to the contestants. (Which will be next episode)

A Staff Member was caught talking shit in a written entry for an episode! The Disgraceful Games has many entries, so who could this staff member be? Keep in mind as well that there is a followed contract by the ECA (Episode Confidentiality Association) that they cannot share who did any episode that was written, and in that case, they're now only able to investigate the contents of the episode that's actually able to be viewed in order to find out the culprit.

EVERYBODY'S literally crushing on Zuri? Why? Is she the main character? Will she get some sort of special treatment from the viewers, game makers or even contestants?? You'll just have to find out in the seventh game! It's a surprise...

Jonas Jensen possibly in danger by other contestants?! We did some interviews that of course the contestants consented for this to be in this episode. Apparently, contestants want Jonas GONE by Public Execution and some are even willing to "execute" the task! Will Jonas live past the seventh game? Or will this officially be his deadline?!

And last but probably most popular so DEFINITELY not least, Davíd Rodriguez' new episode just might have angered some viewers?! Davíd Rodriguez claimed to have insulted viewers saying they shouldn't watch the episode and that they should be ashamed! Dark web User and Loyal Watcher of Disgraceful Games since the 4th, "NotANeckBeard" claims; "How can a good for nothing Mexican that's going to die anyway be so entitled!" Will Davíd end up losing fans and becoming less recognized and favored within the games?! Will he thrive despite the new hate?! Will he gain new fans?!! Nobody knows, but just wait until the Seventh Game shows and you WILL be excited!

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