Jonas Jensen

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YOOOO you guys seen the new chapter? I really love to cause trouble and shit, so.. this is a live episode ahahaha!! Game makers, I got something to tell y'all! One of the staff fr just talked shit about you! I know, crazy right?! You're OWN STAFF! That's gotta make you some shitty ass people to kill a bunch of teenagers and then have even your OWN staff talk shit about you! Crazyyy...

Okay put aside what I said and don't kill me, thanks.

Anyway, I'm just gonna tell all y'all disgusting viewers who I am, I'm Jonas Jensen, and I joined the Disgraceful Games because I got expelled from school and when my parents saw the contract saying I'd be overseas and that fatality is a possibility they sent me away cause they fr don't want me anymore. I was also only interested in joining this shit show too because I just really want to watch the drama and cause some along the way. Everything fun always has some troubling consequences to it, am I right?

Okay I'm seriously bored now though, so goodbye HAHA

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