Aren Spearman pt. 2

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I don't know what happened, I don't know what went wrong. I thought the girl not getting hit by me was a mockery, I thought maybe my strong uppercut would solve it. No though, that didn't happen, someone put spikes in my gloves, I don't know who, but whoever did made me seem like a criminal. I'm not a criminal I swear! I'm not a cheating lying criminal I'm a strong guy who fights people perfectly fair! Why did they have to activate on my uppercut? Why did I have to be seen as a terrifying murderer from now on! Nobody's ever gonna want to talk to me after this! I feel terrible, sick to my stomach at how someone could do this to me. All I wanted was to get a reaction out of that girl, what was her name..

I remember, Porsha, Porsha Petrov. They just had to make me kill her, now everyone including me knows the real things that happen in this game. This is what they want, to have us die, that's what they meant by having only 5 who win. I hope I end up living, I hope I win and make it out alive, I wouldn't want to die a dishonorable death here after what I did in this first game. Even if I don't want to, I have to get people killed, I have to make sure I come out on top, and most importantly, alive.

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