Murder Mystery

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As me, the super cool sexy Texan narrator gets up from my bed, actually happily this time, I run to the announcements room and turn on the mic.

"ACTUAL STUPID PIECES OF SHIT!!!!!" I yell, as loudly as I possibly can, which that hopefully startles the remaining contestants. "Today the seventh game is startingggg!!!! Get to the arena it's already been FUCKING BUILT!! It's a murder mystery also so we'll tell you your roles individually!" I'd say slightly lazier after I screamed so hard and then I'd proceed to not manically laugh and instead I'd just turn off the mic and I'd get back to my room and lay on my bed.

Now as everybody arrived, they would be asked to sit down by the paper bagged men Zachary and Zackary. They all sat down of course and would one by one get handed slips of paper that gave them a role. "There are only 5 roles! Detective, Sheriff, Medic, Innocents and Murderer! 1 can be Detective, 1 can be Sheriff, 1 can be Medic and 1 can be Murderer while the rest of you will be Innocents! Is that clear?" He'd ask, and the audience of teenage contestants would respond. "Yes sir..." Zachary would hear that reluctant agreeing from the audience in unison and it would be music to his ears. He'd then talk. "Okay guys! Turn you slips of paper over and DO NOT let anybody see." Everyone would do as he said... and some people would just groan, feel scared while some were just completely calm. What was this game going to be like anyway?

As Zachary let the people chatter, he'd suddenly start screaming just to horrify them further. "GRAB A PARACHUTE!!!! GRAB A PARACHUTE!!!" People would panic and they would start to grab parachutes from the back of the strange black announcement building with beige wood chairs. Once they stood up, they knew why, the announcement room had been in the air and they didn't even know because it felt slow and they were sitting down. Ira Keta sure did know though. "Only the Sheriff knows who I am." He'd mumble under his breath, chuckling darkly as the ground fell once everyone had their parachutes, people activating it and landing.

Once everyone has landed, I would get on the speakers again and announce. "WELCOME TO THE ARENA EVERYBODY! IT'S SOMETHING THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE LEFT TO COME HERE FOR... A HUGE HIGH SCHOOL!!!! YAYY!!!!" Everyone would panic as I laughed manically for a straight 2 minutes and then muted the speaker, getting back to my routine again.

Dávid would stare up at the school and he'd mumble. Whether it was in Spanish or English, we'll say what he said for you. "I was in Middle, I've never seen this..." Dávid only had a good amount of younger siblings, so this was pretty understandable especially since he turned 13 2 months before he got to the games. Eve Caroll would go beside Dávid as people would be getting forced into the school, and she would walk Dávid, holding him by the shoulder gently. "It's alright, Dávid!" She even attempted a Spanish accent when she said his name. "We'll make it out alive, together, promise. Pinky promise!" She'd say unwillingly cheerfully, holding out her pinky, but Dávid would just be confused until finally using context clues and holding out his pinky to link it with Eve Caroll's.

As everyone entered the highschool. The teacher would be a white cloaked staff member with familiar blue eyes that Cassiel and Pavel couldn't get over in the crowded room of Science Class. The eyes were a way too familiar deep blue of someone that had passed away to them. Meanwhile, the medic was the most out-there role but wasn't in a classroom as they had to play the nurse. The nurse being a boy named John Johanna. John would just scoff as for Zachary's disgusting pleasures and humor, he put John shirtless in baggy white pants and one of those nurse hats with a Red Cross sign on the crotch of the pants and the center of the hat. "Jesus this outfit is shit... how am I supposed to protect people looking like this!" John groaned at his outfit and he'd proceed to find a whole drawer dedicated to bandages, stacked to the brim for whatever reason. "I have an idea." He'd say and then he'd proceed to take a bunch of bandages and wrap them around his torso in order to cover himself up. That only angered Zachary though and the bandages would just fly off of John, go back into form and back into the dresser as if something magical had just happened. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" John would say with his jaw dropped further down than Tia Gilbert's love for men.

In a classroom meanwhile with Ira Keta, he'd be analyzing everyone in the first period class. English. He hated English and he decided he'd be analyzing everyone in order to keep himself entertained and ahead of the game. He knew the murderer wouldn't try to kill anybody yet.

Scanning around the classroom, he'd notice how people were fidgeting or just frozen, but even the frozen ones had a look of either focus or fear. He noticed a certain girl though. Who could that girl be?

Would be asked as the bell rang shortly after he started taking notes on her. Second Period Math he goes, the same class as the Sheriff.

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