Peyton Rose pt. 3

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I had no other choice but to argue with that fucking loser Corey Delgades. Not so heroic to let his team lose half of our money plus have a way nicer and lively person than Joseph Swanson fucking die because he couldn't keep the flag off of that damn Mexican boy. By the way David Rodriguez meatriders can come at me all they want about him being Colombian not Mexican but in my eyes it's the same fucking thing. Anyway, ever since I beat that Jolene Smothermon to a pulp Corey Delgades has ruined everything for me. First he saves Jolene who clearly deserved that beating for being an unnecessarily rude bitch, then he saves everyone from the apartment fire I made even though I literally wanted at least ONE person to suffer and die in the fire, AND THEN HE MAKES OUR TEAM LOSE! I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS ASSHOLE! I also ruined my chances of making an ally of Aren Spearman after I had to brawl him for the flag and him being the one who couldn't defend it well probably shattered his ego and any way he could've seen me as a friend so now I have to go and actually talk to people and see who I can make allies with to absolutely get Corey Delgades destroyed and out of this game. I don't even care if it costs my life I just need him out of the damn game. I want it as soon as possible too. I decided to carefully evaluate my options before I settled for two guys because they were the only guys that I could think of due to them not being as irrelevant to me. Pavel Morozov and Cassiel Chanel. Cassiel hasn't even had an episode on him but I've seen him often when episodes aren't about me and I just get to chill and he's like the pure embodiment of the perfect looksmaxxer or whatever the fuck they're called.

To describe him, he has almost white platinum blonde hair that's soft and silky and is in kind of a shagcut that goes down to his neck as he looks absolutely majestic and angelic. He also has those a10 hunter eyes, defined jawline, perfect nose, perfect eyebrows, full lips and he also has clear muscle and he's about as tall as me, 6 foot 3. He doesn't look like uncanny valley either he's just pure majestical and angelic, it's as if he's an actual angel that came from the heavens, he also has a nice deep voice and an ethereal name. I would rather be named Cassiel Chanel instead of Peyton Rose, because the fact my last name is Rose just sounds so gay in my opinion.

Anyway, now I will go and negotiate with Cassiel to see if he will become allies with me or not, because I'm desperately trying to get Corey Delgades killed and not to be the next death victim by David's fans.

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