Aren Spearman pt. 3

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Today a girl came up to me and she was way shorter than me and she seemed to be kind of younger as well, and she looked to be of Mexican descent so I guess with those genetics it was reasonable. "Hiii can I talk to you??" She asked cheerfully and I honestly couldn't help but appreciate such sweetness and kindness towards me after what I had done to Porsha. "Sure, what would you like to talk about?" I said as I stopped walking to have a focused convo with this girl. "Well Uhm, what's your favorite flower?" That was a strange question to ask when you first talk to someone, not even a how are you? What's your favorite hobby? What's your name? Well actually, most people in this event know my name since the deadly uppercut of mine being the first kill but, the question she asked was just oddly specific I apologize if it seems like I'm just talking to talk. "Oh uh.. Y'know I really like Sunflowers..." I had to seriously remember what some flowers looked like and what their names were so that I could see which one I liked most and actually answer her question, since am I at all a plant person. "Oh, I like Tulips, but I figured you liked Sunflowers!" She'd smile gently and I once again couldn't help but feel this strange feeling of being flustered. Did I seriously like this girl? No I couldn't, what if she's just trying to get me to like her to get rid of me to cut the competition?

Anyway, I continued to talk with her and I actually almost got carried away until I looked at my watch and saw that I was almost behind on my schedule. I immediately turned to where I was supposed to be going and I waved Cristina goodbye. "Oh shoot! Sorry, gotta go, cya later maybe?" I said nervously as I started jogging and she yelled out to me. "Cya!!!!" I then felt good about myself again and started sprinting, I was supposed to be training my punches right now but maybe I could get a little roadwork in.

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